- analphabetic
- [͵ænælfəʹbetık] a
1. расположенный не в алфавитном порядке2. неграмотный, не умеющий читать и писать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
analphabetic — [an΄al΄fə bet′ik] adj., n. [< Gr analphabētos, not knowing the alphabet (see AN 1 & ALPHABET) + IC] illiterate … English World dictionary
analphabetic — /an al feuh bet ik, an al /, adj. 1. not alphabetic: an analphabetic arrangement of letters. 2. unable to read or write; illiterate: analphabetic peoples. 3. Phonet. of or constituting a system of phonetic transcription, as the one devised by… … Universalium
analphabetic — I noun an illiterate person who does not know the alphabet • Syn: ↑analphabet • Hypernyms: ↑illiterate, ↑illiterate person, ↑nonreader II adjective 1. relating to or expressed … Useful english dictionary
analphabetic — Неалфавитные знаки (Analphabetic) Шрифтовые знаки за исключением букв [алфавитный знак] алфавита [упорядоченный список букв языка]. Обычно в комплект шрифта из этих знаков входят цифры [знаки, обозначающие числа, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0], знаки… … Шрифтовая терминология
analphabetic — adjective or noun see analphabet … New Collegiate Dictionary
analphabetic — adjective a) (of symbols) Not alphabetic. b) (of a person) Illiterate, unable to read or write … Wiktionary
analphabetic — adj. not alphabetical, not in alphabetical order; illiterate, unable to read or write n. illiterate person, one who cannot read or write … English contemporary dictionary
analphabetic — adjective 1》 representing sounds by composite signs rather than by single letters or symbols. 2》 completely illiterate … English new terms dictionary
analphabetic — an·al·pha·bet·ic … English syllables
Phonetic transcription — (or phonetic notation) is the visual representation of speech sounds (or phones). The most common type of phonetic transcription uses a phonetic alphabet, e.g., the International Phonetic Alphabet. Contents 1 Phonetic transcription versus… … Wikipedia
analphabet — noun an illiterate person who does not know the alphabet • Syn: ↑analphabetic • Derivationally related forms: ↑analphabetic (for: ↑analphabetic) • Hypernyms: ↑illiterate, ↑ … Useful english dictionary