- free rein
- [͵fri:ʹreın]
свобода действий
to give free rein to smb. - ничем не ограничивать кого-л., предоставлять кому-л. полную свободу действий
to give free rein to a horse - отпустить поводья
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to give free rein to smb. - ничем не ограничивать кого-л., предоставлять кому-л. полную свободу действий
to give free rein to a horse - отпустить поводья
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
free rein — ► the freedom to do what you want to do: have free rein »We were told we had free rein on questions of design. give sb/sth free rein (to do sth) »She was given free rein to make all the changes she wanted. Main Entry: ↑rein … Financial and business terms
free rein — If someone has a free rein, they have the authority to make the decisions they want without any restrictions. ( Free reign is a common mistake.) … The small dictionary of idiomes
free rein — meaning ‘unrestricted scope for action’, is spelt this way, not free reign (as if it were connected with reign in the sense ‘rule’). The following examples should be corrected accordingly: • ☒ If they are given free reign to invest and produce… … Modern English usage
free rein — noun uncount permission to deal with a particular situation or do a particular job in the way you think is best … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
free rein — free′ rein′ n. cvb unhampered freedom of movement, choice, or action … From formal English to slang
free rein — noun the removal of constraints (Freq. 1) he gave free rein to his impulses they gave full play to the artist s talent • Syn: ↑play • Hypernyms: ↑freedom * * * FREEDOM, a free hand, leeway, latitude, flexibility, liberty, independence, free play … Useful english dictionary
free rein — noun a) loose rein, as of a horse she should simply hold the reins so lightly that his mouth can just be felt, which is called giving a free rein. b) the absence of constraints; freedom to make decisions So ceased the seas uproar, when its grave… … Wiktionary
free rein — {n.} Freedom to do what you want. * /The king had free rein in his country./ * /Father is strict with the children, but Mother gives them free rein./ Compare: FREE HAND … Dictionary of American idioms
free rein — {n.} Freedom to do what you want. * /The king had free rein in his country./ * /Father is strict with the children, but Mother gives them free rein./ Compare: FREE HAND … Dictionary of American idioms
free\ rein — noun Freedom to do what you want. The king had free rein in his country. Father is strict with the children, but Mother gives them free rein. Compare: free hand … Словарь американских идиом
free rein — the sponsors gave the writers free rein Syn: freedom, a free hand, leeway, latitude, flexibility, liberty, independence, free play, license, room to maneuver, carte blanche, a blank check See note at reign … Thesaurus of popular words