
[faʋnʹdeıʃ(ə)n] n
1. основание (города и т. п.), закладка (фундамента и т. п.)

the foundation of London took place at an unknown date - год основания Лондона неизвестен

2. (часто pl) фундамент, основание

the explosion shook the building to its foundations - взрыв потряс здание до самого основания

to lay the foundation(s) of smth. - а) заложить фундамент чего-л.; б) положить начало чему-л.

foundation bolt - анкерный /фундаментальный/ болт

foundation pit - стр. котлован (фундамента)

3. 1) основание, обоснование, обоснованность

the rumour is without foundation - это ни на чём не основанный слух

2) pl основы; принципы

the foundations of the theory - основы теории

4. основа, базис, база; исходный пункт

the foundations of smb.'s career [smb.'s fortune] - основа чьей-л. карьеры [чьего-л. состояния]

to strike at the foundation of smth. - подрывать самую основу чего-л.

5. организация, учреждение, создание

the foundation of a library - организация библиотеки

6. фонд, пожертвованный на (какое-л.) культурное начинание

to be on the foundation - существовать за счёт пожертвованного фонда

7. (часто Foundation) учреждение или организация, существующие на пожертвованный фонд
8. жив. грунт
9. текст. жёсткая подкладка; бортовка
10. = foundation garment
11. пчел. вощина
12. = foundation cream

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "foundation" в других словарях:

  • Foundation — may refer to: * Foundation (engineering), the portion of a building s structure that transfers the weight of the building into the ground strata * Foundation (cosmetics), a cosmetic applied to the face * Foundation (nonprofit organization), a… …   Wikipedia

  • foundation — foun·da·tion n 1: a basis upon which something stands or is supported; specif: a witness s preliminary testimony given to identify or explain evidence being offered at trial and establish its connection to the issue for which it is offered the… …   Law dictionary

  • Foundation — • An ecclesiastical foundation is the making over of temporal goods to an ecclesiastical corporation or individual, either by gift during life or by will after death, on the condition of some spiritual work being done either in perpetuity or for… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Foundation — Foun*da tion, n. [F. fondation, L. fundatio. See {Found} to establish.] 1. The act of founding, fixing, establishing, or beginning to erect. [1913 Webster] 2. That upon which anything is founded; that on which anything stands, and by which it is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Foundation — bezeichnet in der englischen Sprache eine Stiftung den Foundation Zyklus von Isaac Asimov ein Kosmetika, siehe: Foundation (Schminke) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • foundation — UK US /faʊnˈdeɪʃən/ noun ► [C] an organization that has been started in order to provide money for a particular group of people or for a particular type of research: »He gave £1m to set up a charitable foundation to help vulnerable young people.… …   Financial and business terms

  • foundation — [n1] basis for something physical or mental ABCs*, authority, base, basics, bed, bedrock, bottom, bottom line*, brass tacks*, foot, footing, ground, groundwork, guts*, heart*, infrastructure, justification, nitty gritty*, nub*, nuts and bolts*,… …   New thesaurus

  • foundation — ► NOUN 1) the lowest load bearing part of a building, typically below ground level. 2) an underlying basis or principle. 3) justification or reason: there was no foundation for the claim. 4) the action of founding an institution or organization.… …   English terms dictionary

  • foundation — [foun dā′shən] n. [ME foundacioun < OFr fondation < L fundatio < pp. of fundare: see FOUND2] 1. a founding or being founded; establishment 2. a) an organization established to maintain, assist, or finance institutions or projects of a… …   English World dictionary

  • foundation — (n.) late 14c., action of founding, from O.Fr. fondacion (14c.) or directly from L. fundationem (nom. fundatio) a founding, noun of action from pp. stem of fundare (see FOUND (Cf. found) (1)). The Latin word is glossed in O.E. by staþol. Meaning… …   Etymology dictionary

  • foundation — basis, *base, ground, groundwork Antonyms: superstructure …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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