

1> мальчик-приемыш, воспитанник

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fosterson" в других словарях:

  • fosterson — s ( en, fostersöner) …   Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok

  • Runestone — A runestone is typically a raised stone with a runic inscription, but the term can also be applied to inscriptions on boulders and on bedrock. The tradition began in the 4th century but most of them date from the late Viking Age, and it lasted… …   Wikipedia

  • Flynn Saunders — Infobox soap character name = Flynn Saunders colour=Television colour|Home and Away image size = 250px caption = Joel McIlroy as The Second Flynn Saunders portrayer = Joel McIlroy (2003 2006) Martin Dingle Wall (2001 2002) creator = gender = Male …   Wikipedia

  • Diarmait of Iona — was Abbot of Iona (814 ?832). Thomas Owen Clancy argues that Diarmait was one of the most important Céli Dé reformers, instrumental to the spread of the movement in Scotland, laying the ground for his successor Indrechtach. Many anecdotes about… …   Wikipedia

  • Olav Ugjæva — (Old Norse: Ólafr úgæfa) (died 1169) was a pretender to the Norwegian throne during the civil war era in Norway. Olaf was named king in 1166, but was subsequently defeated by King Magnus V of Norway (Magnus Erlingsson) and forced to flee the… …   Wikipedia

  • Earl of East Anglia — The Earls of East Anglia were rulers of the former Kingdom of East Anglia between the 10th and 12th centuries. They were instituted after the death of Guthrum II the last Danish King of East Anglia, and the submission of the kingdom to King… …   Wikipedia

  • Stief — Stief, ein für sich allein längst veraltetes Wort, welches nur in der Zusammensetzung mit gewissen Verwandtschaftsnahmen üblich ist, Stiefbruder, Stiefschwester, Stiefsohn, Stieftochter, Stiefmutter, Stiefvater, Stiefkind u.s.f. durch die zweyte… …   Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart

  • Charlotta Falkman — (* 18. März 1795 in Södermanland, Schweden; † 24. Mai 1882 in Helsinki) war eine finnische Schriftstellerin mit schwedischer Muttersprache, die einen der ersten Romane in Finnland veröffentlichte[1] und aufgrund ihrer Lebensumstände und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Éomer Éadig —  / Éomer / Eomer    Nephew and fosterson of King Théoden; at the time of the War of the Ring Third Marshal of the Mark; after Théoden s death eighteenth King of Rohan; friend of King Elessar.        First of the Third Line of the Kings of Rohan.… …   J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary

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