- fosterer
- [ʹfɒst(ə)rə] n
1. см. foster + -er2. кормилица3. 1) воспитатель2) приёмный отец; приёмная мать4. ирл. = foster-brother
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Fosterer — Fos ter*er, n. One who, or that which, fosters. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fosterer — foster ► VERB 1) promote the development of. 2) bring up (a child that is not one s own by birth). 3) Brit. assign (a child) to be fostered. DERIVATIVES fosterage noun fosterer noun. ORIGIN Old English, «feed, nourish»; related to … English terms dictionary
fosterer — noun see foster II … New Collegiate Dictionary
fosterer — noun One who fosters; one who is somehow designated to care for and nurture someone … Wiktionary
fosterer — n. encourager, nurturer, person that cares for others … English contemporary dictionary
fosterer — 1) forester 2) reforest … Anagrams dictionary
fosterer — fos·ter·er … English syllables
fosterer — tərə(r) noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English fostrere, from fostren to foster + ere er 1. : one that fosters 2. archaic : a foster brother … Useful english dictionary
foster — fosterer, n. fosteringly, adv. /faw steuhr, fos teuhr/, v.t. 1. to promote the growth or development of; further; encourage: to foster new ideas. 2. to bring up, raise, or rear, as a foster child. 3. to care for or cherish. 4. Brit. to place (a… … Universalium
Fosterage — Fosterage, the practice of a family bringing up a child not their own, differs from adoption in that the child s genetic parents, not the foster parents, remain the acknowledged parents. In many modern western societies foster care can be… … Wikipedia
Thorfinn Sigurdsson — (1009? ndash; c1064?), called Thorfinn the Mighty [cite book | last = Magnusson | first = Magnus| title =Scotland:The Story of a Nation| publisher = Harper Collins | date =2000 | page =733 | isbn =135798642 ] , was Earl of Orkney. One of four… … Wikipedia