fossil botany

fossil botany

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fossil botany" в других словарях:

  • botany — /bot n ee/, n., pl. botanies. 1. the science of plants; the branch of biology that deals with plant life. 2. the plant life of a region: the botany of Alaska. 3. the biology of a plant or plant group: the botany of deciduous trees. 4. (sometimes… …   Universalium

  • Botany — Botanist redirects here. A botanist is a person engaged in botany. Plant biology redirects here. For the journal, see Functional Plant Biology. For other uses, see Botany (disambiguation) and Botanic (disambiguation). Pinguicula grandiflora… …   Wikipedia

  • Thomas Johnson (botany teacher) — Thomas Johnson ( mdash;) was an English botanist and academic renowned as an expert and cataloguer of the world s algae, fungi, and fossil plants.Johnson attended Elmfield College in Heworth, York and, after additional study, received an… …   Wikipedia

  • Form taxon (botany) — It is often not possible to associate the wood, leaf, flower, fruit and pollen of a fossil plant with each other, as fossil plants are usually found as disarticulated parts, and the individual parts are often insuffucient for identification,… …   Wikipedia

  • Scott, Dunkinfield Henry — ▪ British paleobotanist born , Nov. 28, 1854, London, Eng. died Jan. 29, 1934, Basingstoke, Hampshire       English paleobotanist and leading authority of his time on the structure of fossil plants.       Scott graduated from Christ Church… …   Universalium

  • D.H.Scott — Dukinfield Henry Scott Pour les articles homonymes, voir Scott. dddd. Dukinfield Henry Scott est un botaniste …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Dukinfield Henry Scott — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Scott. Dukinfield Henry Scott Dukinfield Henry Scott est un botaniste britannique, né le …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Dukinfield Henry Scott — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dukinfield Henry Scott Dukinfield Henry Scott …   Wikipedia Español

  • Henry Deane (engineer) — Henry Deane (26 March 1847 ndash; 12 March 1924) was an Australian engineer, responsible for electrifying the Sydney tramway system and for building the Newnes and the Trans Australian Railways. Biography Deane was born at Clapham Common, England …   Wikipedia

  • Plant anatomy — or phytotomy is the general term for the study of the internal structure of plants. While originally it included plant morphology, which is the description of the physical form and external structure of plants, since the mid Twentieth Century the …   Wikipedia

  • Pflanzenanatomie — Phytotomie oder Pflanzenanatomie ist die Wissenschaft der Gestalt von Pflanzen, neben der Zootomie (Tiere) und Anthropotomie (Menschen) ein Bereich der Anatomie. Die Beschreibung der äußeren Struktur von Pflanzen wird allerdings oft als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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