
1. [ʹfɔ:fıt] n
1. 1) штраф

to pay the forfeit - уплачивать штраф; неустойка (тж. forfeit penalty)

2) расплата (обыкн. за проступок)

his life was the forfeit for his carelessness - он поплатился жизнью за свою беспечность

some scientists have paid the forfeit of their lives in the cause of knowledge - есть учёные, которые отдали жизнь за дело науки

2. 1) конфискация; наложение штрафа; лишение права (на что-л.)

the forfeit of civil rights - лишение гражданских прав

2) потеря права (на что-л. в результате проступка)
3) конфискованная вещь
3. 1) фант
2) pl игра в фанты (тж. game of forfeits)
2. [ʹfɔ:fıt] a predic

property forfeit (in)to the state - имущество, конфискованное государством

3. [ʹfɔ:fıt] v
1. лишаться (чего-л.), утрачивать (что-л.); поплатиться (чем-л. за проступок, преступление)

to forfeit one's property - лишиться имущества (в результате конфискации)

to forfeit one's life - поплатиться жизнью

to forfeit liberty - лишиться свободы

he forfeited his driving licence - у него отобрали водительские права

2. лишаться права, утрачивать право (на что-л.)

to forfeit smb.'s confidence - лишаться /не оправдывать/ чьего-л. доверия

to forfeit one's honour - запятнать свою репутацию

to forfeit a point - спорт. потерять очко (за отказ от игры или за неявку)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "forfeit" в других словарях:

  • forfeit — for·feit 1 / fȯr fət/ n [Anglo French, from Middle French forfait, past participle of forfaire to commit a crime, from fors outside + faire to do]: something forfeited or subject to being forfeited forfeit 2 vt 1: to lose or lose the right to by …   Law dictionary

  • forfeit — for‧feit [ˈfɔːft ǁ ˈfɔːr ] verb [transitive] 1. LAW to lose property or the legal right to something because you have broken the law: • The company will forfeit all its assets to the federal government. 2. to lose rights, benefits etc: • State… …   Financial and business terms

  • Forfeit — For feit, n. [OE. forfet crime, penalty, F. forfait crime (LL. forefactum, forifactum), prop. p. p. of forfaire to forfeit, transgress, fr. LL. forifacere, prop., to act beyond; L. foris out of doors, abroad, beyond + facere to do. See {Foreign} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Forfeit — For feit, a. [F. forfait, p. p. of forfaire. See {Forfeit}, n.] Lost or alienated for an offense or crime; liable to penal seizure. [1913 Webster] Thy wealth being forfeit to the state. Shak. [1913 Webster] To tread the forfeit paradise. Emerson …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Forfeit — For feit, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Forfeited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Forfeiting}.] [OE. forfeten. See {Forfeit}, n.] To lose, or lose the right to, by some error, fault, offense, or crime; to render one s self by misdeed liable to be deprived of; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • forfeit — [fôr′fit] n. [ME forfet < OFr forfait, pp. of forfaire, to transgress < ML forisfacere, to do wrong, lit., to do beyond < L foris, foras, out of doors, beyond (see FOREIGN) + facere (see FACT)] 1. something that one loses or has to give… …   English World dictionary

  • Forfeit — For feit, v. i. 1. To be guilty of a misdeed; to be criminal; to transgress. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] 2. To fail to keep an obligation. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] I will have the heart of him if he forfeit. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • forfeit — [n] something given as sacrifice cost, damages, fine, loss, mulct, penalty, relinquishment; concept 123 Ant. gain, victory, win forfeit [v] give up something in sacrifice abandon, be deprived of, be stripped of, drop, give over, lose, relinquish …   New thesaurus

  • forfeit — ► VERB (forfeited, forfeiting) 1) lose or be deprived of (property or a right or privilege) as a penalty for wrongdoing. 2) lose or give up as a necessary consequence. ► NOUN 1) a fine or penalty for wrongdoing. 2) Law a forfeited right,… …   English terms dictionary

  • Forfeit — For feit, p. p. or a. In the condition of being forfeited; subject to alienation. Shak. [1913 Webster] Once more I will renew His laps[ e]d powers, though forfeite. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Forfeit — (engl., spr. fohrfĭt), im Sport, s. Reugeld …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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