
[ʹfɔ:͵rʌnə] n
1. предшественник; предтеча
2. предвестник

heavy clouds, the forerunners of a storm - тяжёлые тучи, предвещающие бурю

3. вестник, герольд

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "forerunner" в других словарях:

  • Forerunner — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Los Forerunner (Precursores) son una raza extraterrestre presente en el universo del juego Halo: Combat Evolved . Poco se sabe acerca de ellos, pero algunas cosas pueden deducirse de escenas del juego. Creadores de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Forerunner — may refer to: *Forerunner is a title of St. John the Baptist. *Forerunner (fisheries), a piece of cloth tied on a ship s log line some fathoms from the outboard end to mark the limit of drift line *Forerunner (album), by the Canadian band, The… …   Wikipedia

  • forerunner — forerunner, precursor, harbinger, herald are comparable when they denote someone or something that comes before another person or thing and in some way indicates his or its future appearance. Forerunner may denote a messenger that goes before a… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Forerunner — Fore*run ner, n. 1. A messenger sent before to give notice of the approach of others; a harbinger; a sign foreshowing something; a prognostic; as, the forerunner of a fever. [1913 Webster] Whither the forerunner in for us entered, even Jesus. Heb …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • forerunner — (n.) c.1300, from FORE (Cf. fore) + RUNNER (Cf. runner). Middle English rendition of L. praecursor, in reference to John the Baptist as the forerunner of Christ. The Old English word was foreboda …   Etymology dictionary

  • forerunner — [n1] messenger, herald advertiser, advocate, ancestor, announcer, author, envoy, forebearer, foregoer, harbinger, initiator, originator, pioneer, precursor, progenitor, prognostic, prototype; concepts 414,423 forerunner [n2] example, sign… …   New thesaurus

  • forerunner — I noun ancestor, antecedent, antecessor, auspice, forebear, harbinger, herald, leader, messenger, omen, pioneer, portent, praenuntius, precedent, precursor, predecessor, preface, prefigurement, presage, progenitor, scout, sign, vanguard, warning… …   Law dictionary

  • forerunner — ► NOUN 1) a precursor. 2) archaic an advance messenger …   English terms dictionary

  • forerunner — [fôr′run΄ər, fôr run′ər] n. [ME forerenner, after L praecursor] 1. a person sent before or going before to announce or prepare the way for another or for something to follow; herald 2. a sign that tells or warns of something to follow; prognostic …   English World dictionary

  • Forerunner — Les Forerunners (signifiant Précurseurs en français) sont des créatures de l univers Halo. Cette civilisation constitue une des quatre « factions » principales de l univers. Brillants, les Forerunners édifièrent de nombreuses… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • forerunner — noun Date: 13th century 1. one that precedes and indicates the approach of another: as a. a premonitory sign or symptom b. a skier who runs the course before the start of a race 2. predecessor, ancestor Synonyms: forerunner, precursor, harbinger …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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