- anaclasis
- [əʹnækləsıs] n стих.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
anaclasis — noun a) The substitution of a long for a short syllable (or vice versa) to break up the rhythm of a poem b) reflection or refraction of light or … Wiktionary
anaclasis — 1. Reflection of light or sound. 2. Refraction of the ocular media. [G. a bending back, reflection] * * * anac·la·sis (ə nakґlə sis) [Gr. anaklasis reflection] reflection or refraction of light … Medical dictionary
anaclasis — anac·la·sis … English syllables
anaclasis — … Useful english dictionary
Morphosis (album) — Morphosis Studio album by Hate Released February 4, 2008 … Wikipedia
Inversion (prosody) — In prosody the Inversion of a foot, or anaclasis, is the reversal of the order of its elements. For example, in English Accentual syllabic verse the most common inversion by far is the reversal of the first iamb in a line of verse, thus resulting … Wikipedia
Hate (band) — Infobox musical artist Name = Hate Img capt = Img size = Landscape = Background = group or band Alias = Origin = Poland Genre = Death metal Years active = 1990 ndash; present Label = Novum Vox Mortiis Metal Mind Records WW3/Mercenary Music… … Wikipedia
Hate — Основная информация … Википедия
refracture — Breaking a bone that has united after a previous fracture with the new fracture occurring at or near the previous fracture site. [re + fracture] * * * re·frac·ture ( )rē frak chər vi, tured; tur·ing to break along the line of a previous fracture… … Medical dictionary
anaclastic — |anə|klastik adjective Etymology: Greek anaklastos bent back, reflected (from anaklan to bend back, reflect, from ana + klan to break, deflect) + English ic 1. : capable of springing back the bottom of an anaclastic glass springs out or in when… … Useful english dictionary
an|a|clas|tic — «AN uh KLAS tihk», adjective. 1. Prosody. having to do with or characterized by anaclasis. 2. having to do with or produced by refraction of light … Useful english dictionary