- foolhardy
- [ʹfu:l͵hɑ:dı] a
безрассудно храбрый; отчаянный; любящий ненужный риск
foolhardy person - сорвиголова
foolhardy policy - безрассудная политика
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
foolhardy person - сорвиголова
foolhardy policy - безрассудная политика
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Foolhardy — Fool har dy, a. [OF. folhardi. See {Fool} idiot, and {Hardy}.] Daring without judgment; foolishly adventurous and bold. Howell. Syn: Rash; venturesome; venturous; precipitate; reckless; headlong; incautious. See {Rash}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
foolhardy — index hot blooded, imprudent, impulsive (rash), precipitate, presumptuous, reckless, thoughtless … Law dictionary
foolhardy — (adj.) early 13c., from FOOL (Cf. fool) (n.) + M.E. hardi bold; hence foolishly brave (see HARDY (Cf. hardy)). Cf. O.Fr. fol hardi … Etymology dictionary
foolhardy — daring, daredevil, rash, reckless, *adventurous, venturesome Analogous words: bold, audacious (see BRAVE): headlong, *precipitate, impetuous Antonyms: wary Contrasted words: *cautious, circumspect, calculating … New Dictionary of Synonyms
foolhardy — [adj] impetuous, rash adventuresome, adventurous, audacious, bold, breakneck*, daredevil, daring, devil may care*, harebrained*, headstrong, imprudent, incautious, irresponsible, madcap, off deep end*, out on limb*, precipitate, reckless,… … New thesaurus
foolhardy — ► ADJECTIVE (foolhardier, foolhardiest) ▪ recklessly bold or rash. DERIVATIVES foolhardily adverb foolhardiness noun. ORIGIN Old French folhardi, from fol foolish + hardi emboldened … English terms dictionary
foolhardy — [fo͞ol′här΄dē] adj. foolhardier, foolhardiest [ME folhardi < OFr fol hardi < fol, FOOL1 + hardi: see HARDY1] bold or daring in a foolish way; rash; reckless foolhardily adv. foolhardiness n … English World dictionary
foolhardy — adj. foolhardy to + inf. (it was foolhardy of him to even try) * * * [ fuːlˌhɑːdɪ] foolhardy to + inf. (it was foolhardy of him to even try) … Combinatory dictionary
foolhardy — [[t]fu͟ːlhɑː(r)di[/t]] ADJ GRADED: oft it v link ADJ to inf (disapproval) If you describe behaviour as foolhardy, you disapprove of it because it is extremely risky. When he tested an early vaccine on himself, some described the act as foolhardy … English dictionary
foolhardy — adjective Marked by unthinking recklessness with disregard for danger; bold but rash; hotheaded In the middle distance several foolhardy souls in wet suits were surfing toward some foamy outbursts on the rocky headland... Syn … Wiktionary
foolhardy — fool|har|dy [ˈfu:lha:di US a:r ] adj taking stupid and unnecessary risks = ↑reckless ▪ a foolhardy attempt to capture more territory >foolhardiness n [U] … Dictionary of contemporary English