Смотреть что такое "fogram" в других словарях:
fogram — /foh greuhm/, n. an old fashioned or overly conservative person; fogy. Also, fogrum. [1765 75; orig. uncert.] * * * … Universalium
fogram — fo·gram … English syllables
fogram — … Useful english dictionary
fogey — (n.) also fogy, an old, dull fellow, 1780, Scottish foggie, originally army pensioner or veteran, perhaps connected to fogram (1775) old fashioned person; or from fog in obsolete senses of moss or bloated fat (1580s) … Etymology dictionary
fogey — [ fəʊgi] (also fogy) noun (plural fogeys or fogies) a very old fashioned or conservative person. Derivatives fogeydom noun fogeyish adjective fogeyism noun … English new terms dictionary
fogy — n. [Written also Fogey.] Conservative (in an ill sense), old fogy, fogram or fogrum … New dictionary of synonyms
fogy — n Usu. old fogy conservative, Inf. mossback, one behind the times, anachronism, Inf. fossil, one who lives in the past or the dark ages, fogram, Inf. fuddy duddy, Inf. antique, Inf. stick in the mud, Sl. dodo, Sl. dodo bird … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
fogey — (also fogy) ► NOUN (pl. fogeys or fogies) ▪ a very old fashioned or conservative person. DERIVATIVES fogeydom noun fogeyish adjective fogeyism noun. ORIGIN related to earlier slang fogram, of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
fogeydom — fogey (also fogy) ► NOUN (pl. fogeys or fogies) ▪ a very old fashioned or conservative person. DERIVATIVES fogeydom noun fogeyish adjective fogeyism noun. ORIGIN related to earlier slang fogram, of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
fogeyish — fogey (also fogy) ► NOUN (pl. fogeys or fogies) ▪ a very old fashioned or conservative person. DERIVATIVES fogeydom noun fogeyish adjective fogeyism noun. ORIGIN related to earlier slang fogram, of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
fogeyism — fogey (also fogy) ► NOUN (pl. fogeys or fogies) ▪ a very old fashioned or conservative person. DERIVATIVES fogeydom noun fogeyish adjective fogeyism noun. ORIGIN related to earlier slang fogram, of unknown origin … English terms dictionary