
1. [ʌmʹri:tə] = amrita I и II 2. [ʌmʹri:tə] = amrita I и II

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "amreeta" в других словарях:

  • Curse of Kehama — The Curse of Kehama is an 1810 epic poem composed by Robert Southey. The origins of the poem can be traced to Southey s school boy days when he would suffer insomnia along with his memories of a dark and mysterious schoolmate that later formed… …   Wikipedia

  • Fitz Hugh Ludlow — Fitz Hugh Ludlow, sometimes seen as “Fitzhugh Ludlow,” (September 11, 1836 ndash; September 12, 1870) was an American author, journalist, and explorer; best known for his autobiographical book The Hasheesh Eater (1857).The explorations of altered …   Wikipedia

  • amrita — /euhm ree teuh/, n. Hindu Myth. 1. the beverage of immortality. 2. the immortality conferred by this beverage. Also, amreeta. [1800 10; < Skt, equiv. to a not (see A 6) + mrta dead (mr die + ta verbid suffix); akin to Gk ámbrotos IMMORTAL] * * * …   Universalium

  • amrita — /æmˈritə/ (say am reetuh) noun Hindu Mythology 1. the ambrosial drink of immortality. 2. the immortality conferred by it. Also, amreeta. {Sanskrit amṛta immortal; as noun, the drink of immortality. Compare Greek am(b)rotos immortal} …  

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