Floorer — Floor er, n. Anything that floors or upsets a person, as a blow that knocks him down; a conclusive answer or retort; a task that exceeds one s abilities. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
floorer — noun see floor II … New Collegiate Dictionary
floorer — /flawr euhr, flohr /, n. 1. a person who lays floors. 2. a person, blow, etc., that knocks someone or something to the floor. 3. Informal. something that beats, overwhelms, or confounds. [1785 95; FLOOR + ER1] * * * … Universalium
floorer — noun Someone who floors, lays flooring … Wiktionary
floorer — Synonyms and related words: Chinese puzzle, baffling problem, brain twister, clincher, conclusive argument, crossword puzzle, crusher, crux, enigma, enigmatic question, finisher, jigsaw puzzle, knockdown argument, knot, knotty point, mind boggler … Moby Thesaurus
floorer — floor·er || flÉ”ËrÉ™(r) n. person who lays floors; heavy blow; confusing issue, difficult problem … English contemporary dictionary
floorer — floor·er … English syllables
floorer — /ˈflɔrə/ (say flawruh) noun 1. someone who lays floors. 2. a person or thing, as a blow, that knocks to the floor. 3. Colloquial something that beats, overwhelms, or confounds …
floorer — ˈflōrə(r), lȯrə noun ( s) : one that floors: as a. : a workman who lays floors b. : something that discomfits or confuses one … Useful english dictionary
floor — I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English flor, from Old English flōr; akin to Old High German fluor meadow, Latin planus level, and perhaps to Greek planasthai to wander Date: before 12th century 1. the level base of a room 2. a … New Collegiate Dictionary
Skittles (sport) — Skittles is an old European , a variety of bowling, from which Ten pin bowling, Duckpin bowling, and Candlepin bowling in the United States, and Five pin bowling in Canada are descended. In the United Kingdom the game remains a very popular pub… … Wikipedia