- flimflam
- 1. [ʹflımflæm] n разг.
1. вздор, ерунда2. трюк, жульническая проделка2. [ʹflımflæm] v разг.1) обманывать, одурачивать2) амер. обсчитывать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
flimflam — [“flImflAm] 1. n. a confidence trick or deception. □ The whole business sounds like a bit of flimflam to me. □ The crooks pulled a nasty flimflam on Betsy. 2. n. nonsense; deception. □ Beware of the flimflam they will try to pull on you … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Flimflam — Flim flam, n. [Cf. {Flam}.] A freak; a trick; a lie. Beau. & Fl. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flimflam — index bunko, falsification, ruse Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
flimflam — [v] deceive, swindle bilk, burn*, cheat, chisel, con, defraud, diddle*, dupe*, fleece, fool, gip*, gull, gyp*, hose*, pull a fast one*, rip off*, rook*, sandbag, scam, shaft, steal, take for a ride*, trick; concepts 59,139,192 … New thesaurus
flimflam — [flim′flam΄] n. [? redupl. < flam, deceptive trick] 1. nonsense; rubbish; humbug 2. a sly trick or deception vt. flimflammed, flimflamming Informal to trick, swindle, or cheat flimflammery n … English World dictionary
flimflam — UK [ˈflɪmˌflæm] / US noun Word forms flimflam : singular flimflam plural flimflams informal 1) [countable] a plan to steal from or cheat someone 2) [uncountable] nonsense Derived word: flimflam UK / US verb transitive Word forms flimflam :… … English dictionary
flimflam — noun informal 1 (U) stories, information etc that do not seem serious or true: all this psychic flimflam 2 (countable usually singular) a trick intended to cheat someone flimflam verb (T) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
flimflam — I. noun Etymology: perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse flim mockery Date: circa 1570 1. deceptive nonsense 2. deception, fraud II. transitive verb (flimflammed; flimflamming) Date: 1660 to subject to a flimflam • … New Collegiate Dictionary
flimflam — flim|flam [ˈflımflæm] n [U] old fashioned informal [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Probably from a Scandinavian language] information or ideas that are not true or seem very stupid ▪ I was sick of his intellectual flimflam … Dictionary of contemporary English
flimflam — n Informal. nonsense, twaddle, bosh. See nonsense(def.2). 2. trick, deception, humbug, fraud, swindle, Inf. the old army game, confidence game, Sl. con game, Inf. flimflam game, Sl. rip off; pretense, hoax, imposture, artifice. v 3. trick, delude … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
flimflam artist — n. someone who practices confidence tricks or deceptions on someone else. □ I don’t trust that flimflam artist at all. □ Pretty soon, you’ll learn how to spot a flimflam artist … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions