- fleshpot
- [ʹfleʃpɒt] n
котёл для варки мяса
the fleshpots (of Egypt) - а) богатство, роскошь; б) злачные места; в) библ. котлы с мясом в Египте
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the fleshpots (of Egypt) - а) богатство, роскошь; б) злачные места; в) библ. котлы с мясом в ЕгиптеНовый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Fleshpot — Flesh pot , n. 1. A pot or vessel in which flesh is cooked. [1913 Webster] In the land of Egypt . . . we sat by the fleshpots, and . . . did eat bread to the full. Ex. xvi. 3. [1913 Webster] 2. hence, pl. plenty; high living. [1913 Webster] 3. pl … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fleshpot — lit. pot in which flesh is boiled, hence luxuries regarded with envy, especially in fleshpots of Egypt, from Exodus xvi:3: Whan we sat by ye Flesh pottes, and had bred ynough to eate. [Coverdale translation, 1535] … Etymology dictionary
fleshpot — [flesh′pät΄] n. [after Ex. 16:3] 1. [pl.] bodily comfort and pleasure; luxury 2. a place where carnal pleasures are provided usually used in pl … English World dictionary
fleshpot — noun Date: 1592 1. plural bodily comfort ; luxury 2. a place of lascivious entertainment usually used in plural … New Collegiate Dictionary
fleshpot — /flesh pot /, n. 1. fleshpots, a. places offering luxurious and unrestrained pleasure or amusement: the fleshpots of Las Vegas. b. luxurious and unrestrained living. 2. a pot or vessel containing flesh or meat. [1525 35; FLESH + POT1] * * * … Universalium
fleshpot — noun A place offering entertainment of a sensual or luxurious nature … Wiktionary
fleshpot — n. plenty, luxury; place which offers great luxury and pleasures … English contemporary dictionary
fleshpot — a brothel Originally a vessel in which meat was cooked, whence a source of luxury and debauchery offering a variety of vicious attractions: ... found the fleshpots of Nairobi to be insidious and most likely to corrupt . (C. Allen, 1979) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
fleshpot — Ipu i a … English-Hawaiian dictionary
fleshpot — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun 1. fleshpots plural : luxurious plenty : high living used with the those who wallow heedlessly in the fleshpots 2. : an establishment catering to luxu … Useful english dictionary
sat on the fleshpot — lived well, ate ravenously, had the very best of everything … English contemporary dictionary