- fleabite
- [ʹfli:baıt] n
1. 1) блошиный укус2) пустяковая неприятность, некоторое неудобство2. разг. рыжее пятно на белой шерсти лошади
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
fleabite — [flēbīt΄] n. 1. the bite of a flea 2. the red spot on the skin caused by the bite of a flea 3. a minor pain or trifling inconvenience … English World dictionary
fleabite — noun Date: 1570 1. the bite of a flea; also the red spot caused by such a bite 2. a trifling pain or annoyance … New Collegiate Dictionary
fleabite — /flee buyt /, n. 1. the bite of a flea. 2. the red spot caused by the bite of a flea. 3. any petty annoyance or irritation, as a trifling wound. [1400 50; late ME flee byte. See FLEA, BITE] * * * … Universalium
fleabite — noun /ˈfliːbʌɪt/ a) The bite of a flea, or the mark caused by such a bite. b) Something which causes only trifling irritation; a minor inconvenience … Wiktionary
fleabite — flea·bite .bīt n the bite of a flea also the red spot caused by such a bite … Medical dictionary
fleabite — n. bite made by a flea; minor irritation; small irritating bite; extremely small inconvenience … English contemporary dictionary
fleabite — noun (C) the bite of a flea … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
fleabite — flea•bite [[t]ˈfliˌbaɪt[/t]] n. 1) the bite of a flea 2) the red spot caused by the bite of a flea 3) any petty annoyance or irritation • Etymology: 1400–50 … From formal English to slang
fleabite — /ˈflibaɪt/ (say fleebuyt) noun 1. the bite of a flea. 2. the red spot caused by it. 3. a trifling wound, annoyance, thing, etc …
fleabite — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun 1. : the bite of a flea; also : the red spot caused by such a bite 2. a. : a trifling wound or pain suggesting that of the bite of a flea b. : a small irritation : a trifling … Useful english dictionary
Пуликоз — Pulicosis Следы от укусов блох МКБ 10 … Википедия