- flavoured
- [ʹfleıvəd] a
1. приправленный, пикантный
flavoured with smth. - приправленный чем-л.
2. ароматный; имеющий особый вкус или привкус3. ароматизированный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
flavoured with smth. - приправленный чем-л.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
flavoured — adj. same as {flavored}; of foods. [Chiefly Brit.] Syn: flavored, seasoned. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flavoured — (Brit.) fla·voured || fleɪvÉ™(r)d n. having a taste; seasoned; containing flavoring (also flavored) flavour (Brit.) fla·vour || fleɪvÉ™(r) n. taste; particular or specific taste; something that adds taste, flavoring; characteristic taste;… … English contemporary dictionary
flavoured — (BrE) (AmE flavored) adj. VERBS ▪ be ▪ The food they eat is very highly flavoured. ADVERB ▪ highly, intensely, richly, st … Collocations dictionary
-flavoured — [[t] fleɪvə(r)d[/t]] COMB in ADJ: usu ADJ n flavoured is used after nouns such as strawberry and chocolate to indicate that a food or drink is flavoured with strawberry or chocolate. ...strawberry flavoured sweets. ...fruit flavored sparkling… … English dictionary
flavoured — [[t]fle͟ɪvə(r)d[/t]] ADJ GRADED: oft ADJ with n If a food is flavoured, various ingredients have been added to it so that it has a distinctive flavour. ...meat flavoured with herbs... Many of these recipes are highly flavoured. (in AM, use… … English dictionary
flavoured — fla|voured BrE flavored AmE [ˈfleıvəd US vərd] adj 1.) strawberry flavoured/chocolate flavoured etc tasting of strawberries, chocolate etc 2.) having had a flavour added ▪ flavored coffees … Dictionary of contemporary English
flavoured — BrE, flavored adjective 1 strawberry flavoured/chocolate flavoured etc tasting of strawberries, chocolate etc 2 having had a flavour added: flavored milk … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
flavoured — UK [ˈfleɪvə(r)d] / US [ˈfleɪvərd] adjective 1) a) tasting a particular way or of a particular thing chocolate flavoured milk b) having had something added to give a particular taste The pastry is subtly flavoured with honey and spices. 2) having… … English dictionary
flavoured — adjective Having a specific taste, generally by addition of flavouring. This is only grape flavoured soda, the flavouring is artificial; real grape juice tastes much richer … Wiktionary
flavoured — [ˈfleɪvəd] adj with a particular taste chocolate flavoured milk[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
flavoured yoghurt — jogurtas su priedais statusas Aprobuotas sritis pieno produktai apibrėžtis Jogurtas, į kurį gali būti pridėta kitų pieno gaminių, taip pat įvairių skonį ir kvapą suteikiančių priedų. atitikmenys: angl. flavoured yoghurt vok. Joghurt mit Geschmack … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)