- flatulence
- [ʹflætjʋlən|s,-{ʹflætjʋlən}sı] n
1. 1) мед. метеоризм, скопление газов в желудке и кишечнике2) вет. вспучивание, вздутие2. напыщенность, претенциозность
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
flatulence — [ flatylɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1747; de flatulent ♦ Accumulation de gaz dans les intestins, se traduisant par un ballonnement abdominal et des flatuosités. ⇒ météorisme. ● flatulence nom féminin (de flatulent) Accumulation de gaz dans le tube digestif. ●… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Flatulence — Flat u*lence, Flatulency Flat u*len*cy, n. [Cf. F. flatulence.] The state or quality of being flatulent. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flatulence — (n.) 1711, from Fr. flatulence, from flatulent (see FLATULENT (Cf. flatulent)). Flatulency is from 1650s … Etymology dictionary
flatulence — index bombast Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Flatulence — German peasants greet the fire and brimstone from a papal bull of Pope Paul III in … Wikipedia
Flatulence — Une flatulence est la production de gaz gastro intestinaux, provoquant des ballonnements, accumulés dans l intestin ou l estomac et expulsés hors du corps de façon volontaire ou involontaire par l anus ou la bouche[1]. On trouve deux étymologies… … Wikipédia en Français
flatulence — flat·u·lence (flăchʹə ləns) n. 1. The presence of excessive gas in the digestive tract. 2. Self importance; pomposity. * * * ▪ physiology the presence of excessive amounts of gas in the stomach or intestine, which sometimes results in the… … Universalium
flatulence — [Some have suggested that this is an appropriate place to define flatulence. ArtLex doubts greatly that it is necessary to explain how this term is employed in art contexts. However, for those who will find such information useful, flatulence… … Glossary of Art Terms
flatulence — noun 1) medications that help with flatulence Syn: (intestinal) gas, wind; informal farting, tooting; formal flatus 2) the flatulence of his latest recordings Syn: pomposity, pompousness, pretension, pretentiousness, grandiloquence, bombast … Thesaurus of popular words
Flatulence — Excess gas in the intestinal tract. But what is excess flatulence is difficult to define without a yardstick to measure the "normal" frequency of gas passages. Symptom free individuals have recorded approximately 14 passages of gas per… … Medical dictionary
flatulence — [[t]flæ̱tʃʊləns[/t]] N UNCOUNT Flatulence is too much gas in a person s intestines, which causes an uncomfortable feeling. Syn: wind … English dictionary