- flathatting
1> _ав. _сл. воздушное лихачество
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Apollo 13 — Infobox Space mission mission name = Apollo 13 insignia = Apollo 13 insignia.png stats ref = cite web |url=http://history.nasa.gov/SP 4029/Apollo 00g Table of Contents.htm |title= Apollo by the Numbers: A Statistical Reference (SP 4029)… … Wikipedia
Norwood Russell Hanson — (1924 – 1967) was a philosopher of science. Hanson was a pioneer in advancing the argument that observation is theory laden – that observation language and theory language are deeply interwoven – and that historical and contemporary comprehension … Wikipedia