flatfooted — flatfootedly, adv. flatfootedness, n. /flat foot id/, adj. 1. having flatfeet. 2. taking or showing an uncompromising stand in a matter; firm and explicit: a flatfooted denial. 3. clumsy or plodding; maladroit: flatfooted writing. 4. catch one… … Universalium
flatfooted — flatfootedly, adv. flatfootedness, n. /flat foot id/, adj. 1. having flatfeet. 2. taking or showing an uncompromising stand in a matter; firm and explicit: a flatfooted denial. 3. clumsy or plodding; maladroit: flatfooted writing. 4. catch one… … Useful english dictionary
flatfooted — flat•foot•ed [[t]ˈflætˈfʊt ɪd[/t]] adj. 1) pat having flatfeet 2) firm and explicit: a flatfooted denial[/ex] 3) clumsy or plodding: flatfooted writing[/ex] • catch someone flatfooted Etymology: 1595–1605 flat′foot′ed•ness, n … From formal English to slang
flatfooted — See caught flatfooted … English idioms
flatfooted — adjective a) Having flat feet. b) Unprepared to respond; unready … Wiktionary
flatfooted — adj. suffering from a condition in which the arch of the foot is flattened; stubborn (Slang); caught unprepared (Slang) … English contemporary dictionary
To catch one flatfooted — Flat footed Flat foot ed, a. 1. Having a flat foot, with little or no arch of the instep; suffering from fallen arches. [WordNet sense 3] [1913 Webster] 2. Firm footed; determined. [Slang, U.S.] [1913 Webster] 3. clumsy; amateurish; pedestrian;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
caught flatfooted — not ready to respond, mind in neutral Esposito was caught flatfooted by Lemaire s slapshot an easy goal! … English idioms
catch someone flatfooted — idi to catch someone unprepared or in the midst of a transgression … From formal English to slang
Flat-footed — Flat foot ed, a. 1. Having a flat foot, with little or no arch of the instep; suffering from fallen arches. [WordNet sense 3] [1913 Webster] 2. Firm footed; determined. [Slang, U.S.] [1913 Webster] 3. clumsy; amateurish; pedestrian;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flat feet — Flatfoot redirects here. For the band Flatfoot 56, see Flatfoot 56. Flat feet Classification and external resources A flat foot. ICD 10 M … Wikipedia