- amphithecia
- [͵æmfıʹθi:sıə] pl от amphithecium
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
amphithecium — amphithecial /am feuh thee sheuhl, shee euhl, see euhl/, adj. /am feuh thee shee euhm/, n., pl. amphithecia / shee euh/. 1. Bot. the layer or one of the layers of cells in the capsule of a moss surrounding the spores. 2. Mycol. (in certain… … Universalium
amphithecium — /æmfiˈθisiəm/ (say amfee theeseeuhm) noun (plural amphithecia /æmfiˈθisiə/ (say amfee theeseeuh)) the layer or layers of cells in the capsule of a moss surrounding the spores. {New Latin amphi amphi + thēcium (from Greek thēkion, diminutive of… …
amphithecium — [am΄fi thē′shē əm, am΄fi thē′sēəm] n. pl. amphithecia [am΄fi thē′shē ə, am΄fi thē′sē ə] [ModL < AMPHI + Gr thēkion, dim. of thēkē, a case: see THECA] Bot. the outer layer of cells in the spore case of a bryophyte … English World dictionary