- amphimacer
- [æmʹfıməsə] n стих.
амфимакр (античная пятидольная стопа); критская стопа
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Amphimacer — Amphimăcer (grch.), auch Creticus, Kretischer Versfuß, dreisilbiger Versfuß, mit langer Silbe beginnend und endend: , z.B. Augenblick … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Amphímăcer — (griech., »an beiden Seiten lang«), dreisilbiger Versfuß: (z. B. fecĕrant), auch Kretikus genannt (s. Kretischer Vers) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Amphimacer — Am*phim a*cer, n. [L. amphimacru?, Gr. ?; ? on both sides + ? long.] (Anc. Pros.) A foot of three syllables, the middle one short and the others long, as in c[=a]st?t[=a]s. Andrews. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Amphimacer — (gr.), Versfuß, so v.w. Creticus … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Amphimacer — s. Creticus … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
amphimacer — [am fim′ə sər] n. [< L amphimacrus < Gr amphimakros, lit., long at both ends < amphi , AMPHI + makros, long: see MACRO ] a metrical foot consisting, in Greek and Latin verse, of one short syllable between two long ones, or, in English… … English World dictionary
amphimacer — /am fim euh seuhr/, n. Pros. a trisyllabic foot, the arrangement of the syllables of which is long, short, long in quantitative meter, or stressed, unstressed, stressed in accentual meter, as anodyne, an accentual amphimacer. [1580 90; < L… … Universalium
amphimacer — /æmˈfɪməsə/ (say am fimuhsuh) noun (in poetry) a trisyllabic foot in which the syllables come in the following order: long, short, long (quantitative metre), or stressed, unstressed, stressed (accentual metre). Thus, anodyne is an accentual… …
amphimacer — amˈfiməsə(r), ˈamfəˌmās noun ( s) Etymology: Latin amphimacrus, from Greek amphimakros, literally, long at both ends, from amphi + makros long more at meager : a trisyllabic foot consisting of a short syllable between two long syllables in… … Useful english dictionary
amphimacer — noun A metrical foot consisting of an unaccented syllable between two accented syllables; a cretic … Wiktionary
Amphimacer — Am|phi|ma|cer [...zer], Am|phi|ma|zer, der; s, [lat. amphimacrus < griech. amphímakros, eigtl. = beiderseits lang] (Verslehre): dreisilbiger Versfuß aus Länge, Kürze, Länge; Kretikus … Universal-Lexikon