fivefinger — fiveˈfinger or fiveˈfingers noun 1. A name for various plants (cinquefoil, oxlip, etc) that have leaves with five lobes or flowers with five petals 2. A starfish • • • Main Entry: ↑five … Useful english dictionary
Threadfin — Taxobox name = Threadfin image caption = Sixfinger threadfin, Polydactylus sexfilis regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Perciformes familia = Polynemidae subdivision ranks = Genera subdivision = Eleutheronema… … Wikipedia
Surville Cliffs — The Surville Cliffs (coord|34|23|47|S|173|01|00|E|) are the northernmost point of the mainland of New Zealand. They are situated on the North Cape of the North Island, 30 kilometres to the east of Cape Reinga (which is often mistaken as New… … Wikipedia
List of fishes of India — This is a list of the fish species found in India and is based on FishBase. [Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2006.FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. [] , version (05/2006)] AlbuliformesAlbulidae… … Wikipedia
Barefoot running — A barefoot runner on asphalt in a 5 kilometre (3.1 mi) race Barefoot running is running while barefoot without wearing any shoes on the feet. Running in thin soled, flexible shoes, often called minimalist running, such as moccasins is… … Wikipedia
Xyrichtys — Taxobox name = Xyrichtys image width = 250px image caption = Xyrichtys woodi regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Perciformes subordo = Labroidei familia = Labridae genus = Xyrichtys genus authority = Cuvier, 1814… … Wikipedia
List of reef fish of the Red Sea — These Red Sea fish are listed as Reef associated by Fishbase: *Acanthuridae ** Acanthurus gahhm , Black surgeonfish ** Acanthurus mata , Elongate surgeonfish ** Acanthurus nigricans , Whitecheek surgeonfish ** Acanthurus nigrofuscus , Brown… … Wikipedia
Surville Cliffs — Lage des North Cape, wo auch die Surville Cliffs liegen Die Surville Cliffs sind der nördlichste Punkt der zwei Hauptinseln Neuseelands. Sie liegen am North Cape am Ende der Aupouri Peninsula, 30 km östlich und 3 km nördlich von Cape Reinga (das… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vesicarpa potentilloides (A. Gray) Rydb. var. nitrophilum (Cronquist) Kartesz — Symbol VEPON Common Name fivefinger chickensage Botanical Family Asteraceae … Scientific plant list
Vesicarpa potentilloides (A. Gray) Rydb. var. nitrophilum (Cronquist) Kartesz — Symbol VEPON Common Name fivefinger chickensage Botanical Family Asteraceae … Scientific plant list
Vesicarpa potentilloides (A. Gray) Rydb. var. potentilloides — Symbol VEPOP Common Name fivefinger chickensage Botanical Family Asteraceae … Scientific plant list