- amphibrach
- [ʹæmfıbræk] n стих.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Amphibrach — Am phi*brach ([a^]m f[i^]*br[a^]k), n. [L. ?, Gr. ? short at both ends; amfi + brachy s short.] (Anc. Pros.) A foot of three syllables, the middle one long, the first and last short ([crescent] [crescent]); as, h[a^]b[=e]r[e^]. In modern prosody… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
amphibrach — (n.) 1580s, from L. amphibrachus, from Gk. amphibrakhys, a foot consisting of a long syllable between two short, lit. short at both ends, from amphi on both sides (see AMPHI (Cf. amphi )) + brakhys short (see BRIEF (Cf. brief) (adj.)) … Etymology dictionary
amphibrach — [am′fə brak΄] n. [L amphibrachys < Gr, lit., short before and after < amphi , AMPHI + brachys, short: see MERRY] a metrical foot consisting, in Greek and Latin verse, of one long syllable between two short ones, or, in English verse, of one … English World dictionary
Amphibrach — An amphibrach is a metrical foot used in Latin and Greek prosody. It consists of a long syllable between two short syllables. Amphibrachs are seldom used to construct an entire poem. They mainly occur as variants within, for instance, an… … Wikipedia
amphibrach — noun Etymology: Latin amphibrachys, from Greek, literally, short at both ends, from amphi + brachys short more at brief Date: 1858 a metrical foot consisting of a long syllable between two short syllables in quantitative verse or of a stressed… … New Collegiate Dictionary
amphibrach — amphibrachic, adj. /am feuh brak /, n. Pros. a trisyllabic foot, the arrangement of the syllables of which is short, long, short in quantitative meter, or unstressed, stressed, unstressed in accentual meter. Thus, together is an accentual… … Universalium
amphibrach — /ˈæmfəbræk/ (say amfuhbrak) noun (in prosody) a trisyllabic foot in which the syllables come in the following order: short, long, short (quantitative metre), or unstressed, stressed, unstressed (accentual metre). Thus, together is an accentual… …
amphibrach — noun /ˈamfɪbɹak/ a) A metrical foot in ancient Greek or Latin consisting of two short syllables surrounding one long one (e.g. ). Then Banoffsky launched into Glinkas great amphibrachs [...]: Subside, agitation of passion! b) A metrical foot in… … Wiktionary
Amphibrach — Am|phi|brạch 〈m.; (e)s od. e, en; Metrik〉 = Amphibrachys … Universal-Lexikon
Amphibrach — Am|phi|brạch 〈m.; Gen.: (e)s od. en, Pl.: e od. en〉 = Amphibrachys … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
amphibrach — am·phi·brach … English syllables