- amphiarthrosis
- [͵æmfıɑ:ʹθrəʋsıs] n (pl -ses) анат.
амфиартроз, полуподвижный сустав
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Amphiarthrosis — Am phi*ar*thro sis, n. [NL., fr. Gr. amfi + ? a joining, ? a joint.] (Anat.) A form of articulation in which the bones are connected by intervening substance admitting slight motion; symphysis. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
amphiarthrosis — [am΄fē är thrō′sis] n. [ModL < AMPHI + Gr arthrōsis, a jointing < arthron, a joint: see ARTHRO ] Anat. a form of jointing in which cartilage connects the bones and allows only slight motion … English World dictionary
Amphiarthrosis — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = GraySubject = 70 GrayPage = 285 Caption = Diagrammatic section of a symphysis. Caption2 = System = Precursor = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre = a 31 DorlandsSuf = 12127217 Amphiarthrosis is a type of… … Wikipedia
Amphiarthrosis — Eine Amphiarthrose (v. griech. amphi „um“, „herum“ und arthros „Gelenk“) oder straffes Gelenk ist eine Diarthrose („echtes Gelenk“) mit durch straffe Bänder eingeschränkter Beweglichkeit. Im Röntgenbild ist der Gelenkspalt zu erkennen. Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
amphiarthrosis — an articulation that allows limited movement, as between vertebrae; cf. diarthrosis and synarthrosis … Dictionary of ichthyology
amphiarthrosis — amphiarthrodial, adj. /am fee ahr throh sis/, n., pl. amphiarthroses / seez/. Anat. a joint permitting only slight motion, as that between the vertebrae. [1830 40; AMPHI + Gk árthrosis articulation. See ARTHRO , OSIS] * * * … Universalium
amphiarthrosis — noun the type of movable joint in animals in which the surfaces of bones are connected by ligaments or cartilage … Wiktionary
amphiarthrosis — SYN: symphysis (1). [amphi + G. arthrosis, joint] * * * am·phi·ar·thro·sis thrō səs n, pl thro·ses .sēz a slightly movable articulation (as a symphysis or a syndesmosis) * * * n. a slightly movable joint in which the bony surfaces are separated… … Medical dictionary
amphiarthrosis — n. joint that allows little motion (Anatomy) … English contemporary dictionary
amphiarthrosis — am·phi·ar·thro·sis … English syllables
amphiarthrosis — n. a slightly movable joint in which the bony surfaces are separated by fibrocartilage (see symphysis) or hyaline cartilage (see synchondrosis) … The new mediacal dictionary