first sea lord

first sea lord
первый морской лорд; начальник главного морского штаба (Великобритании)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "first sea lord" в других словарях:

  • First Sea Lord — The First Sea Lord is the professional head of the Royal Navy and the whole Naval Service. He also holds the title of Chief of Naval Staff and is known by the abbreviations 1SL/CNS. The current First Sea Lord is Admiral Sir Jonathon Band… …   Wikipedia

  • First Sea Lord — Le First Sea Lord (« Premier Seigneur de la Mer ») ou « 1SL » est le titre du commandant général de la Royal Navy et de tous les services de la marine britannique. Il détient aussi le titre de Chef d État Major de la Marine… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • First Sea Lord — Erster Seelord (englisch First Sea Lord) ist die ranghöchste Dienststellung der Royal Navy (Großbritannien und Nordirland). Der Erste Seelord ist heute gleichzeitig auch Chef des Admiralstabs der Marine (Chief of Naval Staff). Die Abkürzung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • First Sea Lord — n. admiralty, department of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence that supervises and manages the affairs of the Royal Navy …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Sea Lord — noun either of two senior officers in the Royal Navy (First Sea Lord, Second Sea Lord) serving originally as members of the Admiralty Board (now of the Ministry of Defence) …   English new terms dictionary

  • Second Sea Lord — Amirauté (Royaume Uni) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Amirauté. L ancien batiment de l amirauté à Londres. L amirauté (en anglais, Admiralty) est l organ …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Second Sea Lord — The Second Sea Lord and Commander in Chief Naval Home Command (2SL/CNH), commonly just known as the Second Sea Lord (2SL), is one of the most senior admirals of the British Royal Navy (after the First Sea Lord and the Commander in Chief Fleet),… …   Wikipedia

  • Third Sea Lord — The Third Sea Lord and Controller of the Navy was formerly the Naval Lord and member of the Board of Admiralty responsible for procurement and matériel in the British Royal Navy. The title of the office is now simply Controller of the Navy (CofN) …   Wikipedia

  • Third Sea Lord — Le Third Sea Lord and Controller of the Navy était un Naval Lord et membre du Board of Admiralty responsable du procurement et du matériel dans la Royal Navy. Le titre de cette charge est Controller of the Navy (CofN), et le Controller of the… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Fourth Sea Lord — The Fourth Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Supplies was formerly one of the Naval Lords and members of the Board of Admiralty which controlled the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom.The Fourth Sea Lord as Chief of Naval Supplies was responsible for… …   Wikipedia

  • Fifth Sea Lord — The Fifth Sea Lord was formerly one of the Naval Lords and members of the Board of Admiralty that controlled the Royal Navy.During World War I, it was one of four additional Sea Lords created during the war to manage the Navy. It was abolished… …   Wikipedia

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