First Lady — is a term used in the United States to describe the wife of an elected male head of state.In some situations, the title is bestowed upon a non spouse. Park Geun hye, former head of the Grand National Party of Korea, has been referred to as the… … Wikipedia
First Lady — der USA seit 2009 Michelle Obama … Deutsch Wikipedia
First Lady — First La|dy 〈[ fœ:st lɛıdı] f.; , s〉 Ehefrau eines Staatsoberhauptes ● Frankreichs First Lady [engl., eigtl. „erste Dame“] * * * First La|dy [ fə:st leɪdi ], die; , Ladies [engl., eigtl. = erste Dame, aus: first = erst… u. ↑ Lady]: Frau eines… … Universal-Lexikon
first lady — first ladies 1) N COUNT: usu the N in sing The First Lady in a country or state is the wife of the president or state governor, or a woman who performs the official duties normally performed by the wife. America s First Lady stood on the sweeping … English dictionary
first lady — n 1.) the first lady the wife of the President of the US, or of the ↑governor of a US state 2.) [C usually singular] a woman who is considered to be the very best at a particular thing first lady of ▪ the first lady of jazz, Billie Holiday … Dictionary of contemporary English
first lady — first la·dy loc.s.f.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} 1. la moglie del presidente degli Stati Uniti d America | estens., moglie di un capo di stato 2. scherz. o iron., regina: la first lady della musica rock {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1956. ETIMO: comp … Dizionario italiano
first-lady — /firstˈledi, ingl. ˈfYːstˌleɪdɪ/ [vc. ingl., letteralmente «prima (first) signora (lady)»] s. f. inv. 1. moglie del presidente 2. (fig.) prima donna … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
first lady — {{hw}}{{first lady}}{{/hw}}1 La moglie del presidente degli Stati Uniti e (est.) del presidente di altre repubbliche. 2 (fig.) Donna che primeggia: la first lady della moda italiana … Enciclopedia di italiano
First Lady — First La|dy [ fə:st leidi] die; , Ladies [...diz] <aus gleichbed. engl. first lady, eigtl. »Erste Dame«> Frau eines Staatsoberhauptes … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
First Lady — (izg. férst lȇjdi) DEFINICIJA u anglosaskom svijetu, naziv za supruge vodećih političkih ličnosti ETIMOLOGIJA engl.: prva dama … Hrvatski jezični portal
first lady — ► NOUN ▪ the wife of the President of the US or other head of state … English terms dictionary