- first americans
- [ʹfɜ:stəʹmerıkənz]
«первые американцы», американские индейцы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
First Americans in the Arts — (FAITA) is a non profit organization based in Beverly Hills, California. According to its website, the organization was created to recognize, honor and promote American Indian participation in the powerful arena of the entertainment industry,… … Wikipedia
Americans in Hong Kong — 美國人在香港 美国人在香港 MC Jin Total population 60,000 (2009) Languages American English … Wikipedia
Americans in Japan — The community of Americans in Japan (Japanese: 在日アメリカ人/在日米国人) began to form after the 1854 Convention of Kanagawa, under which Commodore Matthew C. Perry forced Japan open to international trade.citation|last=Mitarai|first=Shoji|title=An… … Wikipedia
First Nations — Totempfahl in Victoria Mit First Nations (französisch: Premières nations, deutsch: Erste Nationen) werden alle indigenen Völker in Kanada bezeichnet, ausgenommen die Métis (Nachkommen von Cree und Europäern) und die im Norden lebenden Inuit.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
First Baptist Church of Manila — Infobox Company company name = First Baptist Church of Manila company company type = Church slogan = God s Word The Bible Giveth Light Psalm 119:11 foundation = May 4, 1928 in Padre Faura, Manila founder = Dr. Raphael Thomas location city = 14… … Wikipedia
Americans United for Separation of Church and State — (Americans United or AU for short) is an advocacy group for religious freedom in the United States. It promotes the separation of church and state, a legal doctrine interpreted by AU as being enshrined in the Establishment Clause of the First… … Wikipedia
Americans For Fair Taxation — (AFFT), also known as FairTax.org, states it is the United States largest, single issue grassroots organization dedicated to fundamental tax code replacement … Wikipedia
First Battle of Fallujah — Part of the Iraq War A U.S. Marine from the 1st Marine Division mans an M 240G machine gun outside … Wikipedia
Americans de New York — Données clés Fondé le 17 avril … Wikipédia en Français
First Battle of Bull Run — (First Manassas) Part of the American Civil War Fi … Wikipedia
First Coast — Location in the state of Florida Major cities Jacksonville Fernandina Beach St. Augustine Orange Park … Wikipedia