fire away — If you want to ask someone a question and they tell you to fire away, they mean that you are free to ask what you want … The small dictionary of idiomes
fire away — ► fire away informal go ahead. Main Entry: ↑fire … English terms dictionary
fire away — intransitive verb : to begin speech and proceed with it rapidly useless to fire away with a lot of details F.L.Mott * * * fire away (usu imperative; informal) 1. To go ahead 2. To begin • • • Main Entry: ↑fire * * * ˌfire a ˈ … Useful english dictionary
fire away — phrasal verb [intransitive, always in imperative] Word forms fire away : present tense I/you/we/they fire away he/she/it fires away present participle firing away past tense fired away past participle fired away informal used for giving someone… … English dictionary
fire away — v. (D; intr.) to fire away at (to fire away at the enemy) * * * [ faɪə(r)ə weɪ] (D; intr.) to fire away at (to fire away at the enemy) … Combinatory dictionary
fire away — If you want to ask someone a question and they tell you to fire away, they mean that you are free to ask what you want. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If you tell someone to fire away, you encourage them to begin to talk or ask… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
fire away — UK US fire away Phrasal Verb with fire({{}}/faɪər/ verb [T] (UK ALSO sack) INFORMAL ► used to tell someone they may begin asking questions: »So if anybody has any questions, please fire away … Financial and business terms
fire away — PHRASAL VERB: only imper If someone wants to say or ask something, you can say fire away as a way of showing that you are ready for them to speak. [INFORMAL] [V P] May I ask you something? Sure. Fire away. Syn: shoot, go on … English dictionary
fire away — in. to start asking questions; to start talking. □ Okay, I’m ready. Fire away. □ The cops fired away at him for an hour … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
fire away — ask questions, comment, criticize, shoot After speaking in favor of gun control, he invited the men to fire away … English idioms
Fire away — If you want to ask someone a question and they tell you to fire away, they mean that you are free to ask what you want … Dictionary of English idioms