- fingerflower
- finger-flower
1> _бот. наперстнянка (Digitalis purpurea)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
fingerflower — /fing geuhr flow euhr/, n. See purple foxglove. [1620 30; FINGER + FLOWER] * * * … Universalium
fingerflower — noun tall leafy European biennial or perennial having spectacular clusters of large tubular pink purple flowers; leaves yield drug digitalis and are poisonous to livestock • Syn: ↑common foxglove, ↑fairy bell, ↑finger flower, ↑fingerroot, ↑finger … Useful english dictionary
Digitalis purpurea — fingerroot fingerroot n. tall leafy European biennial or perennial ({Digitalis purpurea}) having spectacular clusters of large tubular pink purple flowers; its leaves yield the drug digitalis and are poisonous to livestock. Syn: common foxglove,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Digitalis purpurea — fingerroot fingerroot n. tall leafy European biennial or perennial ({Digitalis purpurea}) having spectacular clusters of large tubular pink purple flowers; its leaves yield the drug digitalis and are poisonous to livestock. Syn: common foxglove,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fingerroot — n. tall leafy European biennial or perennial ({Digitalis purpurea}) having spectacular clusters of large tubular pink purple flowers; its leaves yield the drug digitalis and are poisonous to livestock. Syn: common foxglove, fairy bell,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
purple foxglove — a medicinal plant, Digitalis purpurea, of western Europe, having finger shaped, spotted, purple flowers and leaves from which digitalis is obtained. Also called fairy glove, fingerflower. * * * … Universalium
common foxglove — noun tall leafy European biennial or perennial having spectacular clusters of large tubular pink purple flowers; leaves yield drug digitalis and are poisonous to livestock • Syn: ↑fairy bell, ↑fingerflower, ↑finger flower, ↑fingerroot, ↑finger… … Useful english dictionary
Digitalis purpurea — noun tall leafy European biennial or perennial having spectacular clusters of large tubular pink purple flowers; leaves yield drug digitalis and are poisonous to livestock • Syn: ↑common foxglove, ↑fairy bell, ↑fingerflower, ↑finger flower,… … Useful english dictionary
fairy bell — noun tall leafy European biennial or perennial having spectacular clusters of large tubular pink purple flowers; leaves yield drug digitalis and are poisonous to livestock • Syn: ↑common foxglove, ↑fingerflower, ↑finger flower, ↑fingerroot,… … Useful english dictionary
finger-flower — noun tall leafy European biennial or perennial having spectacular clusters of large tubular pink purple flowers; leaves yield drug digitalis and are poisonous to livestock • Syn: ↑common foxglove, ↑fairy bell, ↑fingerflower, ↑fingerroot, ↑finger… … Useful english dictionary
finger-root — noun tall leafy European biennial or perennial having spectacular clusters of large tubular pink purple flowers; leaves yield drug digitalis and are poisonous to livestock • Syn: ↑common foxglove, ↑fairy bell, ↑fingerflower, ↑finger flower,… … Useful english dictionary