- finely
- [ʹfaınlı] adv
ясно и пр. [см. fine3 I]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Finely — Fine ly, adv. In a fine or finished manner. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
finely — early 14c., perfectly, completely, from FINE (Cf. fine) (adj.) + LY (Cf. ly) (1). Meaning delicately, minutely is from 1540s; that of excellently is from 1680s … Etymology dictionary
finely — [fīn′lē] adv. [ME finliche] in a fine manner … English World dictionary
finely — fine|ly [ˈfaınli] adv 1.) into very thin or very small pieces ▪ finely chopped onion 2.) in a very careful, delicate, or exact way ▪ Saunders finely crafted drawings ▪ These instruments are very finely tuned. 3.) beautifully or impressively ▪ He… … Dictionary of contemporary English
finely */ — UK [ˈfaɪnlɪ] / US adverb 1) into very small pieces Add one onion, finely chopped. 2) with the great care and skill that is needed to produce something excellent a finely crafted novel He ran a finely judged race. 3) if something such as a… … English dictionary
finely — fine|ly [ faınli ] adverb * 1. ) into very small pieces: Add one onion, finely chopped. 2. ) with the great care and skill that is needed to produce something excellent: a finely crafted novel 3. ) if something such as a situation or a game is… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
finely — adverb Date: 14th century in a fine manner: as a. extremely well ; excellently < plays the hero very finely New Yorker > b. with close discrimination ; precisely c. with delicacy or subtlety ; sensitively < a leader finely attuned to the needs of … New Collegiate Dictionary
finely — adverb 1 into very thin or very small pieces: Add the finely chopped onion to the butter, and fry till golden. 2 to a very exact degree: These instruments are very finely tuned. 3 beautifully and delicately: She had an oval face with finely… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
finely — adverb 1. in tiny pieces (Freq. 2) the surfaces were finely granular • Ant: ↑coarsely • Derived from adjective: ↑fine 2. in an elegant manner (Freq. 2) finely costume … Useful english dictionary
finely — adv. Finely is used with these adjectives: ↑balanced, ↑carved, ↑detailed, ↑developed, ↑poised, ↑polished, ↑tailored, ↑woven Finely is used with these verbs: ↑adjust, ↑balance, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
finely — [ˈfaɪnli] adv 1) into very small pieces Add one onion, finely chopped.[/ex] 2) exactly, or with great care a finely crafted machine[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English