
[faıʹnælıtı] n
1. 1) окончательность

finality of a decision - окончательность решения

to speak with an air of finality - а) говорить как о решённом деле; б) высказываться категорически, говорить тоном, не допускающим возражения

to claim finality for a statement [for a theory] - утверждать, что вывод [теория] являются окончательными

finality of criminal judg(e)ments - юр. окончательность решений по уголовным делам

2) законченность, завершённость

he has not been able to bring to finality any of his interesting ideas - он не смог довести до конца /завершить/ ни одного из своих интересных замыслов

2. завершение, заключительная процедура

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "finality" в других словарях:

  • Finality — may refer to:* Extrinsic finality * Intrinsic finality * Finality (law)ee also*Final …   Wikipedia

  • finality — fi·nal·i·ty /fī na lə tē, fə / n 1: the state or condition of being final 2: the principle that appeals may only be taken from final orders or judgments Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Finality — Fi*nal i*ty, n.; pl. {Finalities}. [L. finalitas the being last.] 1. The state of being final, finished, or complete; a final or conclusive arrangement; a settlement. Baxter. [1913 Webster] 2. The relation of end or purpose to its means. Janet.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • finality — 1540s, from M.Fr. finalité, from L.L. finalitatem (nom. finalitas) state of being final, from L. finalis (see FINAL (Cf. final)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • finality — [n] definiteness, conclusiveness certitude, completeness, decidedness, decisiveness, entirety, finish, inevitableness, intactness, integrity, irrevocability, perfection, resolution, terminality, totality, unavoidability, wholeness; concepts… …   New thesaurus

  • finality — ► NOUN ▪ the fact or quality of being final …   English terms dictionary

  • finality — [fī nal′ə tē, fənal′ə tē] n. [LL finalitas] 1. the quality or condition of being final, settled, or complete; conclusiveness 2. pl. finalities anything final …   English World dictionary

  • finality — [[t]faɪnæ̱lɪti[/t]] N UNCOUNT: oft N of n Finality is the quality of being final and impossible to change. If you say something with finality, you say it in a way that shows that you have made up your mind about something and do not want to… …   English dictionary

  • finality — fi|nal|i|ty [faıˈnælıti] n [U] the quality something has when it is finished or complete and cannot be changed a sense/air of finality ▪ The word retirement has a terrible air of finality about it …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • finality — fi|nal|i|ty [ faı næləti ] noun uncount FORMAL the fact or feeling that something has ended and has no possible future: the finality of death There was a terrible air of finality about the whole occasion …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • finality — UK [faɪˈnælətɪ] / US noun [uncountable] formal the fact or feeling that something has ended and has no possible future the finality of death There was a terrible air of finality about the whole occasion …   English dictionary

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