- film badge
- [ʹfılmbædʒ] спец.
плёночный (карманный) дозиметр
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
film badge — baj n a small pack of sensitive photographic film worn as a badge for indicating exposure to radiation * * * (film baj) a pack of radiographic film or films, usually worn on the body during potential exposure to radiation in order to detect and q … Medical dictionary
film badge — n. a badgelike safety device worn by people who work with ionizing radiation: it contains a strip of photographic film that indicates the amount of radiation received … English World dictionary
film badge — noun : a dosimeter of photographic film * * * a badgelike device that, when processed, indicates whether a dose of radiation has been received: worn by workers subject to radiation exposure. [1940 45] * * * film badge noun A badge containing… … Useful english dictionary
film badge — juostinis dozimetras statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Karių nešiojamas fotografinės juostos paketėlis, panašus į ženkliuką, kuriuo matuojamos ir užfiksuojamos gama spindulių apšvitos dozės. atitikmenys: angl. film badge pranc. dosiphote … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Film badge dosimeter — The film badge dosimeter, or film badge, is a dosimeter used for monitoring exposure to ionizing radiation. The badge requires two parts to be effective: photographic film, and a holder. Description The film is sensitive to radiation and, once… … Wikipedia
film badge holder — noun A device for holding a film badge which acts not only as a holder, but also as a spectrum analyser, to allow determination of the dose in sieverts … Wiktionary
film badge — /ˈfɪlm bædʒ/ (say film baj) noun a badge containing a masked photographic film, worn by workers who may come in contact with ionising radiation, and used to indicate the extent of their exposure to these radiations …
film badge — A photographic film packet to be carried by personnel, in the form of a badge, for measuring and permanently recording (usually) gamma ray dosage … Military dictionary
film badge — noun Date: 1945 a small pack of sensitive photographic film worn as a badge for indicating exposure to radiation … New Collegiate Dictionary
film badge — noun A piece of photographic film worn on the torso to act as dosimeter in order to record radiation exposure to the wearer … Wiktionary
film badge — a badgelike device that, when processed, indicates whether a dose of radiation has been received: worn by workers subject to radiation exposure. [1940 45] * * * … Universalium