- filicide
- [ʹfılısaıd] n
1. детоубийца2. детоубийство
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Filicide — is the deliberate act of a parent killing his or her own son or daughter. The term can also be applied to the parent who has committed such an act. The word filicide derives from the Latin word filius meaning son . In some cultures, killing a… … Wikipedia
Filicide — Fil i*cide, n. [L. filius son, filia daughter + caedere to kill.] The act of murdering a son or a daughter; also, parent who commits such a murder. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
filicide — [filisid] n. m. ÉTYM. V. 1970; du lat. filius « fils », et cide. ❖ ♦ Rare. Meurtre de leurs enfants par les parents … Encyclopédie Universelle
filicide — (n.) 1660s, action of killing a son or daughter, from L. filius/filia son/daughter (see FILIAL (Cf. filial)) + CIDE (Cf. cide). Meaning one who kills a son or daughter is from 1823. Related: Filicidal … Etymology dictionary
filicide — filicidal, adj. /fil euh suyd /, n. 1. a person who kills his or her son or daughter. 2. the act of killing one s son or daughter: Ancient myth contains numerous examples of filicide. [1655 65; < L fili(us) son (fili(a) daughter) + CIDE] * * * … Universalium
filicide — noun Etymology: Latin filius son & filia daughter + English cide Date: 1665 the murder of one s own daughter or son … New Collegiate Dictionary
filicide — killing of one s own child Killing and Killers … Phrontistery dictionary
filicide — n. murder of a child by his parent … English contemporary dictionary
filicide — [ fɪlɪsʌɪd] noun the killing of one s son or daughter. ↘a person who does this. Origin C17 from L. filius son , filia daughter + cide … English new terms dictionary
filicide — fil·i·cide … English syllables
filicide — /ˈfɪləsaɪd/ (say filuhsuyd) noun 1. someone who kills their son or daughter. 2. the act of killing one s son or daughter. {Latin fīlius son, fīlia daughter + cide} –filicidal /fɪləˈsaɪdəl/ (say filuh suyduhl), adjective …