- filariae
- [fıʹle(ə)rıi:] pl от filaria
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
filariae — Filaria Fi*la ri*a, n.; pl. {filariae}. [NL., fr. L. filum a thread.] (Zo[ o]l.) a small, slender nematode worm of the family {Onchocercidae} ({Filariidae}) of many species, parasitic when adult in various animals, including man. They may live… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
filariae — fi·la·riae (fĭ larґe e) [L.] plural of filaria … Medical dictionary
filariae — n. threadlike roundworm (type of parasite) … English contemporary dictionary
filarial — Pertaining to a filaria (or filariae), including the microfilaria stage. * * * fi·lar·i·al ē əl adj of, relating to, infested with, transmitting, or caused by filariae or related parasitic worms * * * fi·la·ri·al (fĭ larґe əl) 1.… … Medical dictionary
filariasis — Presence of filariae in the tissues of the body or in blood (microfilaremia) or tissue fluids (microfilariasis), occurring in tropical and subtropical regions; living worms cause minimal tissue reaction, which may be asymptomatic, but death of… … Medical dictionary
filaricide — An agent that kills filariae. [filaria + L. caedo, to kill] * * * fi·lar·i·cide fə lar ə .sīd, ler n an agent that is destructive to filariae fi·lar·i·cid·al .lar ə sīd əl, .ler adj * * * fi·lar·i·cide (fĭ larґĭ sīd) an agent that… … Medical dictionary
Filariasis — Fil a*ri a*sis, n. [NL.] 1. (Zo[ o]l., Med.) the presence of filariae within the body of an organism; infection with filariae. It is mostly found in tropical and subtropical regions. [Webster 1913 Suppl. PJC] 2. (Med.) a disease caused by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Filaria — Former genus of nematodes now classified in several genera and species of the family Onchocercidae; e.g., Wuchereria bancrofti (F. bancrofti, F. diurna, or F. nocturna), Brugia malayi (F. malaya), Onchocerca volvulus (F. volvulus), Mansonella… … Medical dictionary
filaria — Common name for nematodes of the family Onchocercidae, which live as adults in the blood, tissue fluids, tissues, or body cavities of many vertebrates. The females lay partially embryonated eggs, the embryos uncoil and circulate in blood or… … Medical dictionary
filaricidal — Fatal to filariae. * * * fi·lar·i·cid·al (fĭ lar″ĭ sīdґəl) [filaria + L. caedere to kill] destructive to filariae; cf. antifilarial … Medical dictionary
filariform — 1. Resembling filariae or other types of small nematode worms. SEE ALSO: f. larva. 2. Thin or hairlike. * * * fi·lar·i·form ə .fȯrm adj of a larval nematode resembling a filaria esp. in having a slender elongated form and in possessing a… … Medical dictionary