
[fıəs] a
1. свирепый, лютый, жестокий

fierce dog - злая собака

fierce expression of countenance - свирепое выражение лица

fierce competition - жестокая конкуренция

2. неистовый, сильный

fierce tempest - ≅ неистовство бури

fierce heat - невыносимая жара

fierce hat red - лютая ненависть

fierce desire - горячее /безудержное/ желание

3. бодрый, энергичный

to make a fierce effort - приложить все силы

4. сл. отвратительный

the weather has been fierce - погода была мерзка я

5. тех. резко действующий (о сцеплении и т. п.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fierce" в других словарях:

  • fierce — [fıəs US fırs] adj [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: fiers, from Latin ferus wild ] 1.) done with a lot of energy and strong feelings, and sometimes violent ▪ There was fierce fighting in the city. fierce attack/opposition/criticism etc ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • fierce´ly — fierce fierce «fihrs», adjective, fierc|er, fierc|est. 1. savage; wild; ferocious: »A wounded lion can be fierce. 2. Figurative. raging; …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fierce — Fierce, a. [Compar. {Fiercer}; superl. {Fiercest}.] [OE. fers, fiers, OF. fier, nom. fiers, fierce, savage, cruel, F. fier proud, from L. ferus wild, savage, cruel; perh. akin to E. bear the animal. Cf. {Feral}, {Ferocity}.] 1. Furious; violent;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fierce — [ fırs ] adjective ** 1. ) involving very strong feelings such as determination, anger, or hate: fierce debate/criticism: The proposals provoked a fierce debate. a ) very angry or ready to attack: FEROCIOUS: He looked so fierce. a fierce lion 2.… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Fierce! — is an international performance festival produced by Fierce Earth that has taken place annually in and around Birmingham, England since 1997. [ mm action=view id=28 Introduction to Fierce! 10… …   Wikipedia

  • fierce — 1 Fierce, truculent, ferocious, barbarous, savage, inhuman, cruel, fell are comparable when they mean displaying fury or malignity in looks or in actions. Fierce is applied to men or to animals that inspire terror because of their menacing aspect …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Fierce — was a three piece R B group from the United Kingdom. They were signed to Wildstar Records and scored four hit singles on the UK Singles Chart in 1999 and 2000. [Search for Fierce performed at []… …   Wikipedia

  • fierce — [firs] adj. fiercer, fiercest [ME fers < OFr fers, fier < L ferus, wild, savage < IE base * g̑hwer , wild animal > Gr thēr, animal] 1. of a violently cruel nature; savage; wild [a fierce dog] 2. violent; uncontrolled [a fierce storm]… …   English World dictionary

  • fierce — fierce·ly; fierce·ness; fierce; …   English syllables

  • Fierce — (* in Bristol, England; bürgerlicher Name Daniel Burke) ist ein Drum ’n’ Bass Produzent. Sowohl als DJ, als auch als Produzent zeichnet er sich durch energiegeladene Tracks aus und zählt zu den Vertretern der eher härteren Gangart des Drum ’n’… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • fierce — mid 13c., proud, noble, bold, from O.Fr. fers, nom. form of fer, fier strong, overwhelming, violent, fierce, wild; proud, mighty, great, impressive (Mod.Fr. fier proud, haughty ), from L. ferus wild, untamed, from PIE root *ghwer wild, wild… …   Etymology dictionary

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