
[əʹmʌŋ] prep
указывает на
1. 1) положение среди группы предметов или лиц среди, посреди, между

a village among the hills - деревня среди холмов

a house among the trees - дом, окружённый деревьями

one among many - один из многих

2) движение предмета или лица среди других предметов или лиц среди; через

he passed among the crowd - он пробирался через /сквозь/ толпу

the explorers had to grope their way among the ruins - исследователям пришлось ощупью пробираться среди развалин

2. 1) связь предмета или лица с другими предметами или лицами среди

among guests were two actors - среди гостей были два актёра

several among the audience heard it - кое-кто из публики слышал это

2) превосходство над другими предметами или лицами (обыкн. при прилагательных в превосходной степени) из, среди

fairest among women - красивейшая из женщин

pre-eminent among the writers of his day - самый выдающийся из писателей того времени

Paris is among the largest cities in the world - Париж - один из самых больших городов мира

3. распределение чего-л. среди нескольких человек между

to divide property among the heirs - разделить имущество между наследниками

not five pounds among them - у них нет и пяти фунтов на всех

4. взаимность отношений или связанность действий между, между собой

lasting peace among the peoples - прочный мир между народами

they quarrel among themselves - они ссорятся между собой

settle it among yourselves - уладьте это между собой; договоритесь об этом сами

you have, among you, spoiled the child - вы все вместе испортили /избаловали/ ребёнка

5. соотнесённость действий с какой-л. средой, эпохой и т. п. у, среди, в эпоху

it was the custom among our ancestors - таков был обычай наших предков

among the ancient Greeks - у древних греков

6. в сочетаниях:

from among - из, среди

a strange figure rose from among the crowd - над толпой возвышалась странная фигура

among other things - между прочим

among other things he said that ... - между прочим он сказал, что ...

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "among" в других словарях:

  • among — among, amongst 1. Among is now roughly ten times more common than amongst. It is the oldest form, which gave rise to the by forms amonges (14c, no longer in use) and among(e)st (16c). There is no demonstrable difference of meaning between the two …   Modern English usage

  • among — [ə muŋ′] prep. [ME < OE on gemang, in the company (of) < on, in + gemang, a mingling, crowd < gemengan, MINGLE] 1. in the company of; surrounded by; included with a group of [you are among friends] 2. from place to place in [he passed… …   English World dictionary

  • Among — A*mong , Amongst A*mongst , prep. [OE. amongist, amonges, amonge, among, AS. onmang, ongemang, gemang, in a crowd or mixture. For the ending st see {Amidst}. See {Mingle}.] 1. Mixed or mingled; surrounded by. [1913 Webster] They heard, And from… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • among — (prep.) early 12c., from O.E. onmang, from phrase on gemang in a crowd, from gemengan to mingle (see MINGLE (Cf. mingle)). Collective prefix ge dropped 12c. leaving onmong, amang, among. Cf. O.S. angimang among, amid; O.Fris. mong among …   Etymology dictionary

  • among — [prep1] in the middle of; between amid, amidst, betwixt, encompassed by, in dispersion through, in the midst of, in the thick of, mid, surrounded by, with; concept 586 Ant. away from, outside, separate among [prep2] in a group by all of, by the… …   New thesaurus

  • among — adverb amid, amidst, between, in the middle of, parenthetically Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • among — *between …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • among — (chiefly Brit. also amongst) ► PREPOSITION 1) surrounded by; in the middle of. 2) included or occurring in. 3) shared by; between. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • among — [[t]əmʌ̱ŋ[/t]] ♦ (The form amongst is also used, but is more literary.) 1) PREP Someone or something that is situated or moving among a group of things or people is surrounded by them. ...youths in their late teens sitting among adults... They… …   English dictionary

  • among — a|mong [ ə mʌŋ ] preposition *** 1. ) included in a larger group a ) used for saying that someone or something is included in a particular group of people or things: His family connections helped ensure his position among the elite. from among… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • among */*/*/ — UK [əˈmʌŋ] / US preposition 1) included in a larger group a) used for saying that someone or something is included in a particular group of people or things His family connections helped ensure his position among the elite. from among (= from a… …   English dictionary

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