
1. [fju:] n
1) немногие; незначительное количество

few of the inhabitants were to be seen - только немногих жителей можно было увидеть

2) мало кто; почти никто

few of them had travelled - мало кто из них путешествовал

there are very few of us - нас очень мало

there are very few of us who can remember - почти никто из нас не помнит

a few (of) - а) немного, незначительное количество; a few thought otherwise - немногие думали иначе

a good few, quite a few - большое /порядочное/ количество; there were a good few of them - их было немало; a good few of the inhabitants - добрая половина населения /жителей/; not a few - много, большое количество; б) некоторые; некоторое количество; we shall only he a few - нас будет немного; I know a few of them - я знаю кое-кого из них

the few - а) меньшинство; б) «избранные»

the thinking few - думающее меньшинство

the fortunate few - немногие счастливцы

some few - незначительное число, несколько, немного

few know and fewer care - немногие знают, а таких, кто хочет знать, ещё меньше

in few - в нескольких словах, кратко

2. [fju:] a
1) немногие, немного, мало

he has but few chances of success - у него мало шансов на успех

with few exceptions - за редким исключением

one of his few pleasures - одно из его немногих удовольствий

during the last few days [years] - за последние несколько дней [лет]

few people are able to understand him - мало кто способен понять его

every few hours [days, years] - через каждые несколько часов [дней, лет]

a few - несколько

a few hours - несколько часов

a few people were present - присутствовало всего несколько человек

I know a few people who ... - я знаю людей, которые ...

I have only a few pounds - у меня всего только несколько фунтов

the chairman said a few words - председатель сказал несколько слов

in a few minutes - через несколько минут, скоро, вскоре

he went away for a few days - он уехал на несколько дней

I'd like a few more of these (berries) - положите /дайте/ мне, пожалуйста, ещё (ягод)

2) преим. predic немногочисленный

such occasions are few - такие случаи очень редки

his friends are few - у него мало друзей

few and far between - немногочисленные и отделённые большим промежутком времени или расстоянием

our meetings are few and far between - мы редко встречаемся

the trees were few and far between - деревья росли редко

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "few" в других словарях:

  • few — W1S1 [fju:] determiner, pron, adj comparative fewer superlative fewest [: Old English; Origin: feawa] 1.) [no comparative] a small number of things or people a few ▪ I have to buy a few things at the supermarket. ▪ Pam called to say she s going… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • few — [ fju ] (comparative fewer; superlative fewest) function word, quantifier *** Few can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a plural noun): Few people live there now. There were a few animals in the barn. as a pronoun: Many… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Few — (f[=u]), a. [Compar. {Fewer} (f[=u] [ e]r); superl. {Fewest}.] [OE. fewe, feawe, AS. fe[ a], pl. fe[ a]we; akin to OS. f[=a]h, OHG. f[=o] fao, Icel. f[=a]r, Sw. f[*a], pl., Dan. faa, pl., Goth. faus, L. paucus, cf. Gr. pay^ros. Cf. {Paucity}.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • few — ► DETERMINER , PRONOUN , & ADJECTIVE 1) (a few) a small number of. 2) not many. ► NOUN (the few) ▪ a select minority. ● few and far between Cf. ↑few and far between …   English terms dictionary

  • few — (adj.) O.E. feawe (plural; contracted to fea) few, seldom, even a little, from P.Gmc. *faw , from PIE root *pau few, little (Cf. L. paucus few, little, paullus little, parvus little, small, pauper poor; Gk. pauros …   Etymology dictionary

  • few — [fyo͞o] adj. [ME fewe < OE feawe, feawa, pl., akin to OFris fē, Goth fawai, pl. < IE base * pōu , small, little > L paucus, Gr pauros, little] not many; a small number of [few seats were left, a few people came] pron. not many; a small… …   English World dictionary

  • FEW — bezeichnet einen 1/8 bis 2/8 bewölkten Himmel, siehe Bewölkung#Einteilung Französisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch Freiburgische Elektrizitätswerke, siehe Groupe E Frostigs Entwicklungstest der visuellen Wahrnehmung, siehe Marianne Frostig das… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • few — 1. Few may be used with or without preceding a, although the sense is slightly different. There were few seats left means there were not many (and is negative in implication), whereas There were a few seats left means that some were still left… …   Modern English usage

  • Few of Us — Directed by Šarūnas Bartas Produced by Paulo Branco Joachim von Mengershausen Written by Šarūnas Bartas Starring …   Wikipedia

  • Few of Us — (lituanien : Mūsų nedaug) est un film lituanien réalisé par Sharunas Bartas, sorti en 1996. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution …   Wikipédia en Français

  • few — [adj] hardly any exiguous, few and far between*, imperceptible, inconsequential, inconsiderable, infrequent, insufficient, lean, less, meager, middling, minor, minority, minute, negligible, not many, not too many*, occasional, paltry, petty,… …   New thesaurus

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