- festal
- [ʹfestl] a
праздничный; радостный, весёлый
festal day - праздник
festal music - праздничная /весёлая/ музыка
festal dress - праздничная одежда
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
festal day - праздник
festal music - праздничная /весёлая/ музыка
festal dress - праздничная одежда
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Festal — is a brand name drug containing pancreatin, hemicellulase, and certain bile components. Festal is indicated for use in people with gastrointestinal problems in order to help actively digest food (especially fatty meals that require pancreatic… … Wikipedia
festal — festal, festive Both words are derived from the Latin words festum meaning ‘feast’ and festus meaning ‘joyful’, and mean ‘in the nature of a feast or festival’. Festive is much the more common, and is the one generally chosen when the meaning is… … Modern English usage
Festal — Fes tal, a. [L. festum holiday, feast. See {feast}.] Of or pertaining to a holiday or a feast; joyous; festive. [1913 Webster] You bless with choicer wine the festal day. Francis. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
festal — late 15c., from M.Fr. festal, from L.L. festalis, from L. festum feast (see FEAST (Cf. feast)) … Etymology dictionary
festal — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to a festival; festive. ORIGIN from Latin festa feast … English terms dictionary
festal — [fes′təl] adj. [< L festum (see FEAST) + AL] of or like a joyous celebration; festive festally adv … English World dictionary
Festal — ФЕСТАЛ ( Festal )*. Комплексный препарат, содержащий основные компоненты поджелудочной железы и желчи. Выпускается в виде драже с содержанием липазы (6000 междунaродных единиц FIP U), амилазы (4500 FIP U), протеазы (300 FIP U), гемицеллюлазы 0,05 … Словарь медицинских препаратов
festal — See festive, festal … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
festal — /ˈfɛstl/ (say festl) adjective 1. relating to or befitting a feast, festival, or gala occasion. 2. of or relating to academic dress for formal occasions: a festal gown. {late Middle English, from Old French, from Latin festum a festival, feast}… …
Festál at Seattle Center — is a program of annual ethnically related festivals that take place on the grounds of Seattle Center in Seattle, Washington. A major cultural program of Seattle, these festivals aim to celebrate and connect the city to its varied ethnic and… … Wikipedia
festal — adjective Etymology: Latin festum Date: 15th century of or relating to a feast or festival ; festive • festally adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary