- ferryman
- [ʹferı|mən] n (pl -men [-{ʹferı}mən])
перевозчик, паромщик
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Ferryman — Fer ry*man, n.; pl. {Ferrymen}. One who maintains or attends a ferry. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ferryman — [fer′ēmən] n. pl. ferrymen [fer′ēmən] a person who owns, manages, or works on a ferry … English World dictionary
ferryman — UK [ˈferɪmən] / US noun [countable] Word forms ferryman : singular ferryman plural ferrymen UK [ˈferɪmən] / US someone whose job is to operate a ferry … English dictionary
ferryman — A person operating a ferry. In the understanding of the common law, a ferryman was a person who had the exclusive right of transporting passengers over rivers and other watercourses, for hire, at an established rate; and no other person could… … Ballentine's law dictionary
ferryman — ferry ► NOUN (pl. ferries) ▪ a boat or ship for conveying passengers and goods, especially as a regular service. ► VERB (ferries, ferried) ▪ convey by ferry or other transport, especially on short, regular trips. DERIVATIVES ferryman noun … English terms dictionary
Ferryman Productions — Chris de Burgh Chris de Burgh Chris de Burgh est un musicien irlandais (Venado Tuerto, Argentine, 15 octobre 1948). Il réside en Irlande dans le comté de Comté de Wicklow au Sud de Dublin avec sa femme Diane et ses enfants : Rosanna Davison… … Wikipédia en Français
ferryman — noun Date: 15th century a person who operates a ferry … New Collegiate Dictionary
ferryman — /fer ee meuhn/, n., pl. ferrymen. a person who owns or operates a ferry. [1425 75; late ME feryman. See FERRY, MAN1] * * * … Universalium
ferryman — noun A man who operates a ferry … Wiktionary
Ferryman — This is one of the spelling forms of the Old Gaelic O Fearadhaigh, originally a Donegal Clan of Cenel Conaill. The name is almost certainly a nickname and is believed to translate as the descendant of the son of the manly one , although the… … Surnames reference
ferryman — Synonyms and related words: bargee, bargeman, barger, boat handler, boater, boatman, boatsman, ferrier, galley slave, gondolier, lighterman, oar, oarsman, punter, rower, waterman, yachter, yachtsman … Moby Thesaurus