- fenestra
- [fıʹnestrə] n (pl -rae)
1. анат. окно, отверстие2. энт.1) прозрачное пятно (на крыле)2) ямка, прикрытая мембраной
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
FENESTRA — ex Graeco φαινίςτρα, quod a verbo φανίζω; antiquis Fenestra et Festra, ex Graeco φαίςτρα itidem, quod a φαιςτὸς, perspicuus, lucidus: illuminandae domui inservit. Quo fine decorabantur olim ex speculari lapide, aut vitro in tenues laminas fuso,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
fenestra — (del lat. «fenestra»; ant.) f. *Ventana. * * * fenestra. (Del lat. fenestra). f. desus. ventana … Enciclopedia Universal
Fenestra — (lat.), 1) Fenster; daher Fenestragium, im Mittelalter eine Abgabe für das Recht, durch das Fenster verkaufen zu dürfen. 2) (Anat.), Loch im Ohr; Fenestra rotunda u. Fenestra semiovalis, s.u. Ohr; 3) (Bot.), Samennarbe, s. Hilum … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
fenestra — FENÉSTRA s.f. (anat.) Deschidere în peretele medial al urechii interne. [< lat. fenestra – fereastră]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 23.03.2005. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
fenestra — (Del lat. fenestra). f. desus. ventana … Diccionario de la lengua española
Fenestra — Fe*nes tra, n.; pl. {Fenestr[ae]}. [L., a window.] (Anat.) A small opening; esp., one of the apertures, closed by membranes, between the tympanum and internal ear. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fenestra — (lat., »Fenster«), ein Teil des Ohrs, s. Ohr … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
fenestra — v. finestra … Enciclopedia Italiana
fenestra — [fi nes′trə] n. pl. fenestrae [fi nes′trē΄] [ModL < L, window, prob. < Etr * fnestra] 1. a small opening, as any of the covered oval openings in the inner wall of the middle ear 2. a small, transparent spot, as in the wings of some insects… … English World dictionary
fenestra — 1. [TA] An anatomic aperture, often closed by a membrane. 2. An opening left in a plaster of Paris cast or other form of fixed dressing in order to permit access to a wound or inspection of the … Medical dictionary
fenestra — n. (in anatomy) an opening resembling a window. The fenestra ovalis (fenestra vestibuli) – the oval window – is the opening between the middle ear and the vestibule of the inner ear. It is closed by a membrane to which the stapes is attached. The … The new mediacal dictionary