- felicific
- [͵felıʹsıfık] a книжн.
приносящий счастье, удачу; счастливый
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
felicific — [fē΄li sif′ik] adj. [< L felix (see FELICITY) + FIC] Rare producing or tending to produce happiness … English World dictionary
felicific — |fēlə|sifik adjective Etymology: Latin felic , felix happy + English i + fic 1. : bringing about or designed to bring about or produce happiness conclude that the validity of ethical judgments is not determined by the felicific tendencies of… … Useful english dictionary
felicific — adjective Of, pertaining to, or producing pleasure or happiness. Has conduct worth in and for itself, or only as its consequences are felicific as regards the social welfare? See Also: felicity … Wiktionary
Felicific calculus — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Felicific calculus (cálculo de la felicidad) es un algoritmo formulado por Jeremy Bentham, para calcular el grado de felicidad que causa una acción específica, y por lo tanto de rectitud moral. También se lo conoce… … Wikipedia Español
felicific calculus — felicific calculus, Philosophy. a utilitarian method for calculating the best course of action by determining the preponderance of pleasure over pain in any act or decision; hedonic calculus … Useful english dictionary
Felicific calculus — Part of a series on Utilitarianism … Wikipedia
felicific calculus — noun A quasi mathematical technique proposed by 19th century utilitarian ethical theorists for determining the net amount of happiness, pleasure, or utility resulting from an action, sometimes regarded as a precursor of … Wiktionary
felicific — adjective Etymology: Latin felic , felix Date: 1865 causing or intended to cause happiness … New Collegiate Dictionary
felicific — /fee leuh sif ik/, adj. causing or tending to cause happiness. [1860 65; < L felici (s. of felix) happy + FIC] * * * … Universalium
felicific — fe·li·cif·ic … English syllables
felicific — fe•li•cif•ic [[t]ˌfi ləˈsɪf ɪk[/t]] adj. causing or tending to cause happiness • Etymology: 1860–65; < L fēlīc , s. of fēlīx happy + i + fic … From formal English to slang