- federalize
- [ʹfed(ə)rəlaız] v
федерализировать; создавать федерацию, союз
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
federalize — fed er*al*ize, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Federalized}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Federalizing}.] [Cf. F. f[ e]d[ e]raliser.] To unite in compact, as different States; to confederate for political purposes; to unite by or under the Federal Constitution. Barlow … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
federalize — I (associate) verb act in concert, affiliate, ally, amalgamate, associate, band in a federation, band together, centralize, collaborate, combine, confederate, consociate, consolidate, cooperate, federate, form a cartel, form a union, go into… … Law dictionary
federalize — (Amer.) fed·er·al·ize || fedrÉ™laɪz v. unite, bring together; place under the control of a federal government (also federalise) … English contemporary dictionary
federalize — [fed′ər əl īz΄] vt. federalized, federalizing 1. to unite (states, etc.) in a federal union 2. to put under the authority of a federal government federalization n … English World dictionary
federalize — federalization, n. /fed euhr euh luyz /, v.t., federalized, federalizing. 1. to bring under the control of a federal government: to federalize the National Guard. 2. to bring together in a federal union, as different states. Also, esp. Brit.,… … Universalium
federalize — transitive verb ( ized; izing) Date: 1801 1. to unite in or under a federal system 2. to bring under the jurisdiction of a federal government … New Collegiate Dictionary
federalize — verb a) To unite into a federation b) To bring something under federal control … Wiktionary
federalize — Synonyms and related words: affiliate, ally, associate, band together, be in cahoots, bunch, bunch up, cabal, cement a union, centralize, club, club together, come together, confederate, consociate, conspire, couple, federate, gang, gang up, go… … Moby Thesaurus
federalize — fed·er·al·ize … English syllables
federalize — fed•er•al•ize [[t]ˈfɛd ər əˌlaɪz[/t]] v. t. ized, iz•ing 1) gov to bring under the control of a federal government 2) gov to bring together in a federal union, as different states • Etymology: 1795–1805 fed er•al•i•za′tion, n … From formal English to slang
federalize — verb 1. unite on a federal basis or band together as a league (Freq. 1) The country was federated after the civil war • Syn: ↑federate, ↑federalise • Derivationally related forms: ↑federation (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary