- federalese
- [͵fed(ə)rəʹli:z] n амер. ирон.
бюрократический жаргон
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
federalese — |fed(ə)rə|lēz, ēs noun ( s) Usage: often capitalized slang : prose that is marked by a needlessly involved and awkwardly pretentious sentence structure and use of a jargon of polysyllabic words and that is sometimes said to characterize the… … Useful english dictionary
federalese — noun Date: 1944 bureaucratese … New Collegiate Dictionary
federalese — /fed euhr euh leez , lees /, n. (often cap.) awkward, evasive, or pretentious prose said to characterize the publications and correspondence of U.S. federal bureaus. [FEDERAL + ESE] * * * … Universalium
federalese — Synonyms and related words: Varietyese, Wall Streetese, Washingtonese, bunkum, business English, businessese, cinemese, collegese, commercialism, computerese, economese, gobbledygook, journalese, legalese, medical Greek, medicalese, newspaperese … Moby Thesaurus
federalese — the jargon of bureaucrats on the federal payroll … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
federalese — n. unnecessarily complex language used in U.S. government documents and correspondence … English contemporary dictionary
federalese — fed·er·al·ese … English syllables
Pentagonese — Synonyms and related words: Varietyese, Wall Streetese, Washingtonese, business English, businessese, cinemese, collegese, commercialism, computerese, economese, federalese, journalese, legalese, medical Greek, medicalese, newspaperese,… … Moby Thesaurus
Washingtonese — Synonyms and related words: Varietyese, Wall Streetese, bunkum, business English, businessese, cinemese, collegese, commercialism, computerese, economese, federalese, gobbledygook, journalese, legalese, medical Greek, medicalese, newspaperese,… … Moby Thesaurus
buncombe — Synonyms and related words: Washingtonese, adulation, balls, baloney, big talk, bilge, blague, blah, blah blah, blandishment, blarney, bop, bosh, bull, bullshit, bunk, bunkum, cajolement, cajolery, claptrap, compliment, crap, eyewash, fair words … Moby Thesaurus
bunkum — Synonyms and related words: Grade A, Washingtonese, adulation, applesauce, balderdash, balls, baloney, bang up, big talk, bilge, blague, blah, blah blah, blandishment, blarney, blue ribbon, bop, bosh, boss, bull, bullshit, bunk, cajolement,… … Moby Thesaurus