- faunal
- [ʹfɔ:nl] a
относящийся к фауне
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Faunal — Fau nal, a. Relating to fauna. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
faunal — 1877, from FAUNA (Cf. fauna) + AL (Cf. al) (1) … Etymology dictionary
faunal — fauna ► NOUN ▪ the animals of a particular region, habitat, or geological period. Compare with FLORA(Cf. ↑flora). DERIVATIVES faunal adjective. ORIGIN Latin, from Fauna, a rural goddess and the sister of Faunus (see FAUN(Cf. ↑faun)) … English terms dictionary
Faunal assemblage — is the archaeological or paleontological term for a group of associated animal fossils found together in a given stratum. The principle of faunal succession is used in biostratigraphy to determine each biostratigraphic unit, or biozone. The… … Wikipedia
faunal analysis — faunal analysis, Archaeology. the study of animal bones to identify, date, and trace them back to their source … Useful english dictionary
faunal succession, law of — Observation that taxonomic groups of animals follow each other in time in a predictable manner. Sequences of successive strata and their corresponding fauna have been matched to form a composite picture detailing the history of the Earth,… … Universalium
faunal — adjective see fauna … New Collegiate Dictionary
faunal — See fauna. * * * … Universalium
faunal — adjective a) Pertaining to animals. b) Pertaining to a specific fauna of a given region or time … Wiktionary
faunal — adj. pertaining to fauna, pertaining to the animals of a given area or time period … English contemporary dictionary
faunal — fau·nal … English syllables