- fastigiate
- [fæʹstıdʒı(e)ıt] a
1. конусообразный, конический; суживающийся к вершине2. 1) зоол. соединяющийся в конический пучок2) бот. прямопараллельный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Fastigiate — Fas*tig i*ate, Fastigiated Fas*tig i*a ted, a. [L. fastigium gable end, top, height, summit.] 1. Narrowing towards the top. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) Clustered, parallel, and upright, as the branches of the Lombardy poplar; pointed. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fastigiate — [fa stij′ē it, fa stij′ēāt΄] adj. [LL fastigiatus, for L fastigatus < fastigium, a slope, roof < IE * bharsti < base * bhars : see FASTIDIOUS] having a narrow, spirelike shape, as certain kinds of trees … English World dictionary
fastigiate — 1. adjective /fæˈstɪdʒ.i.ɪt/ a) Erect and parallel The branches of this species are fastigiate. b) Having closely bunched erect parallel branches This is a fastigiate variety. 2. noun /fæˈstɪdʒ.i.ɪt/ A tree or shrub with erect, parallel branches … Wiktionary
fastigiate — adjective Etymology: probably from New Latin *fastigiatus, from Latin fastigium more at bristle Date: 1662 narrowing toward the top; especially having upright usually clustered branches < fastigiate trees > … New Collegiate Dictionary
fastigiate — adj. [L. fastigium, gable end] Arranged into a conical bundle … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
fastigiate — /fa stij ee it, ayt /, adj. 1. rising to a pointed top. 2. Zool. joined together in a tapering adhering group. 3. Bot. a. erect and parallel, as branches. b. having such branches. Also, fastigiated. [1655 65; < L fastigi(um) height, highest point … Universalium
fastigiate — [fa stɪdʒɪət, ɪeɪt] adjective Botany (of a tree) having the branches more or less parallel to the main stem. Origin C17: from L. fastigium tapering point, gable + ate2 … English new terms dictionary
fastigiate — fas·tig·i·ate … English syllables
fastigiate — fas•tig•i•ate [[t]fæˈstɪdʒ i ɪt, ˌeɪt[/t]] also fas•tig′i•at ed adj. 1) rising to a pointed top 2) Bot. bot erect and parallel, as branches • Etymology: 1655–65; < L fastīgi(um) height, highest point + ate I … From formal English to slang
fastigiate — /fæsˈtɪdʒiət/ (say fas tijeeuht), / eɪt/ (say ayt) adjective 1. rising to a pointed top. 2. Zoology joined together in a tapering adhering group. 3. Botany a. erect and parallel, as branches. b. having such branches. Also, fastigiated. {Latin… …
fastigiate — adj. Bot. 1 having a conical or tapering outline. 2 having parallel upright branches. Etymology: L fastigium gable top … Useful english dictionary