- fasciate
- [ʹfæʃıeıt] v редк.
обвязать, связать; перевязать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Fasciate — Fas ci*ate, Fasciated Fas ci*a ted, a. [L. fasciatus, p. p. of fasciare to envelop with bands, fr. fascia band. See {Fasces}.] 1. Bound with a fillet, sash, or bandage. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) (a) Banded or compacted together. (b) Flattened and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fasciate — [fash′ē āt΄] adj. [L fasciatus, pp. of fasciare, to swathe, wrap with bands < fascia: see FASCIA] 1. bound with a band or fillet 2. Bot. a) abnormally enlarged and flattened, as some plant stems b) growing in a fascicle 3. Zool. marked by … English World dictionary
fasciate — fasciately, adv. /fash ee ayt ee it/, adj. 1. bound with a band, fillet, or bandage. 2. Bot. abnormally compressed into a band or bundle, as stems grown together. 3. Zool. a. composed of bundles. b. bound together in a bundle. c. marked with a… … Universalium
fasciate — verb a) To bind. b) To apply fascia … Wiktionary
fasciate — fas·ci·ate … English syllables
fasciate — fas•ci•ate [[t]ˈfæʃ iˌeɪt, i ɪt[/t]] also fas′ci•at ed adj. 1) bound with a band, fillet, or bandage 2) bot Bot. abnormally compressed into a band or bundle, as stems grown together 3) zool. Zool. a) composed of bundles b) bound together in a… … From formal English to slang
fasciate — /ˈfæʃieɪt/ (say fasheeayt) adjective 1. bound with a band, fillet, or bandage. 2. Botany a. compressed into a band or bundle. b. grown together, as stems. 3. Zoology a. composed of bundles. b. bound together in a bundle …
fasciate — adj. (also fasciated) 1 Bot. (of contiguous parts) compressed or growing into one. 2 striped or banded. Derivatives: fasciation n. Etymology: L fasciatus past part. of fasciare swathe (as FASCIA) … Useful english dictionary
Fasciated — Fasciate Fas ci*ate, Fasciated Fas ci*a ted, a. [L. fasciatus, p. p. of fasciare to envelop with bands, fr. fascia band. See {Fasces}.] 1. Bound with a fillet, sash, or bandage. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) (a) Banded or compacted together. (b)… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fasciation — /fash ee ay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of binding up or bandaging. 2. the process of becoming fasciate. 3. the resulting state. 4. an abnormality in a plant, in which a stem enlarges into a flat, ribbonlike shape resembling several stems fused… … Universalium
fas|ci|at|ed — «FASH ee AY tihd», adjective. = fasciate. (Cf. ↑fasciate) … Useful english dictionary