

1> далеко идущий; широкий; чреватый серьезными последствиями
far-reaching plans далеко идущие планы
far-reaching effect далеко идущие (серьезные) последствия

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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  • Symphony No. 1 (Mahler) — Gustav Mahler in 1892, after he had composed the 1st symphony The Symphony No. 1 in D major by Gustav Mahler was mainly composed between late 1887 and March 1888, though it incorporates music Mahler had composed for previous works. It was… …   Wikipedia

  • Education in Albania — The literacy rate in Albania for the total population, age 9 or older, is about 93%. Elementary education is compulsory (grades 1 8), but most students continue at least until a secondary education. Students must successfully pass graduation… …   Wikipedia

  • Legal history of China — The origin of the current law of the People s Republic of China can be traced back to the period of the early 1930s, during the establishment of the Chinese Soviet Republic. In 1931 the first supreme court was established. Though the contemporary …   Wikipedia

  • Harishchandra — ▪ Indian writer also called Bhartendu born Sept. 9, 1850, Vārānasi, India died Jan. 6, 1885, Vārānasi       Indian poet, dramatist, critic, and journalist, commonly referred to as the “father of modern Hindi. (Hindi literature)” His great… …   Universalium

  • book publishing — After the founding of the PRC in 1949, the book publishing (chuban) sector was economically and institutionally re organized within the framework of a planned economy and a socialist public administration. The state’s monopoly and the task of the …   Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture

  • TAJ MAHAL, AGRA —    The Taj Mahal, an impressive mausoleum located on the bank of the Yamuna River at Agra in northern India, was built in 1632 1648 by Emperor Shah Jahan as a funerary monument for his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth in 1631.… …   Historical Dictionary of Architecture

  • Brunelleschi, Filippo — (1377 1446)    Considered the pioneer of Early Renaissance architecture. The son of a Florentine notary and diplomat, Brunelleschi received a humanistic education. He was trained as a goldsmith, and turned to architecture after losing to Lorenzo… …   Dictionary of Renaissance art

  • Enlightenment II (The French): deism, morality and politics — The French Enlightenment II: deism, morality and politics Peter Jimack One of the most striking features of the French Enlightenment was its hostility to Christianity, especially as represented by the Catholic Church, a hostility which went far… …   History of philosophy

  • influence — I n. 1) to exert influence on 2) to use one s influence 3) to wield influence 4) to bring influence to bear 5) to flaunt one s influence 6) (colloq.) to peddle influence 7) to consolidate, strengthen one s influence 8) to counteract, curb,… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • all-inclusive — I (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. comprehensive, encircling, complete, extensive; see comprehensive . II (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Covering a wide scope: all around, all round, broad, broad spectrum, comprehensive, expansive, extended, extensive …   English dictionary for students

  • banjo — [18] The origins of banjo are uncertain, but its likeliest source seems to be bandore, the name of a 16th century stringed instrument similar to the lute. It has been argued that in the speech of Southern US blacks, amongst whom the banjo… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

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