- fanny adams
- [ʹfænıʹædəmz] воен. жарг.
1. ничто, пустое место; «ничего не видно», нулевая видимость2. мясные консервы, особ. из баранины
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Fanny Adams — (April 1859 ndash; 24 August 1867) was a young English girl murdered by solicitor s clerk Frederick Baker in Alton, Hampshire. The expression sweet Fanny Adams refers to her and has come, through British naval slang, to mean nothing at all .… … Wikipedia
Fanny Adams — nothing Sharing the initial letters of fuck all. She was murdered in 1810, her memory being kept alive in naval slang for tinned meat. Also as sweet Fanny Adams, sweet FA, or FA: So what can the Inguish hope for? I asked. Absolutely… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
Fanny Adams — 1. nothing; 2. very little; next to nothing (initialism of Sweet Fanny Adams or Sweet Fuck All ; see also S.f.a. , Sweet FA ) … Dictionary of Australian slang
fanny adams — Australian Slang 1. nothing; 2. very little; next to nothing (initialism of Sweet Fanny Adams or Sweet Fuck All ; see also S.f.a. , Sweet FA ) … English dialects glossary
Fanny Adams — (also sweet Fanny Adams) noun Brit. informal nothing at all. Origin C19: orig. a naut. term for tinned meat or stew (darkly humorous ref. to the name of a murder victim), now often understood as a euphemism for fuck all … English new terms dictionary
Fanny Adams — Noun. Nothing at all. Usually heard preceded by sweet. Also acts as a euphemism for fuck all . E.g. What ve you been up to Tim ? , Sweet fanny adams since I lost my job. Cf. sweet F.A … English slang and colloquialisms
Fanny Adams — n. Brit. sl. 1 (also sweet Fanny Adams) nothing at all. Usage: Sometimes understood as a euphemism for fuck all. 2 Naut. a tinned meat. b stew. Etymology: name of a murder victim c.1870 … Useful english dictionary
sweet Fanny Adams — Fanny Adams, sweet F.A. n British a. nothing at all. Fanny Adams is a wide spread euphemism for fuck all. b. a pitifully small amount. In 19th century naval slang, Fanny Adams was tinned or cooked meat, a sardonic reference to a girl of the same… … Contemporary slang
Fanny Adams — noun Nothing (sanitized version of fuck all) … Wiktionary
Fanny Adams — n British See F.A … Contemporary slang
sweet Fanny Adams — noun little or nothing at all I asked for a raise and they gave me bugger all I know sweet Fanny Adams about surgery • Syn: ↑bugger all, ↑fuck all, ↑Fanny Adams • Usage Domain: ↑obscenity, ↑ … Useful english dictionary