- faithworthy
- [ʹfeıθ͵wɜ:ðı] a
достойный веры, доверия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
faithworthy — Synonyms and related words: calculable, dependable, faithful, fast, firm, incorruptible, invincible, inviolable, predictable, proven, reliable, responsible, secure, solid, sound, stable, staunch, steadfast, steady, straight, substantial, sure,… … Moby Thesaurus
faithworthy — faithˈworthy adjective Worthy of faith or belief • • • Main Entry: ↑faith … Useful english dictionary
credible — I adjective assured, believable, commanding belief, commanding confidence, convincing, credibilis, creditworthy, dependable, deserving belief, deserving of confidence, faithful, faithworthy, frank, honest, incorruptible, indisputable, indubitable … Law dictionary
solid — I (compact) adjective bunched, close, coagulated, compressed, concentrated, condensed, congealed, consolidated, dense, firm, grumose, hard, hardened, impenetrable, impermeable, incompressible, indiscerptible, indivisible, inflexible, insecable,… … Law dictionary
True — Synonyms and related words: Christian, absolute, acceptable, accepted, accommodate, accord, accurate, accurately, active, actual, adapt, adjust, adjust to, apodictic, applicable, appropriate, approved, ardent, arrowlike, ascertained, assimilate,… … Moby Thesaurus
calculable — Synonyms and related words: anticipatable, appraisable, appreciable, assessable, computable, countable, dependable, determinable, divinable, estimable, faithful, faithworthy, fast, fathomable, firm, foreknowable, foreseeable, foretellable,… … Moby Thesaurus
dependable — Synonyms and related words: calculable, fail safe, faithful, faithworthy, fast, firm, guaranteed, harmless, incorruptible, invincible, inviolable, invulnerable, predictable, proven, reliable, responsible, riskless, secure, solid, sound, stable,… … Moby Thesaurus
faithful — Synonyms and related words: Christian, Christianlike, Christianly, abandoned, accepted, accurate, acquiescent, active, adoring, affectionate, afire, approved, ardent, assiduous, assured, at one with, attached, authentic, authoritative, believing … Moby Thesaurus
fast — Synonyms and related words: Barmecidal feast, Encratism, Friday, Lenten diet, Lenten entertainment, Lenten fare, Pythagoreanism, Pythagorism, Rechabitism, Sabbath, Shakerism, Spartan fare, Stoicism, Sunday, abandoned, abstain, abstainment,… … Moby Thesaurus
firm — Synonyms and related words: Aktiengesellschaft, CIA, Central Intelligence Agency, Christian, abiding, accepted, adamant, adamantine, agency, airtight, aktiebolag, anchored, anneal, approved, at a standstill, atelier, authentic, authoritative,… … Moby Thesaurus
incorruptible — Synonyms and related words: amaranthine, deathless, dependable, embalmed, ever fresh, everlasting, fadeless, faithworthy, frozen, immortal, imperishable, impregnable, indelible, indestructible, ineffaceable, ineradicable, inexpugnable,… … Moby Thesaurus